DWP spaffs £200k up the wall trying to deprive just seven people of Universal Credit

“It’s only money”: That seems to be the Tory government’s attitude, when Tories are spending it. They wouldn’t dream of letting the rest of us have any, though. Contradiction?
That’s right – while you were watching right-wing buffoons arguing in the Tory leadership campaign, or watching right-wing buffoons trying to split the Labour Party, right-wingers were spending a lot of your money, attacking the poor.
Universal Credit pays around £3,000 per year, so the Tory-directed Department for Work and Pensions spent nearly 10 times as much money preventing seven people from getting UC than it would if it had simply paid them.
And the ruling is that they still have to be paid! In fact, one of the rulings was that the DWP wasn’t making its repayments large enough.
Worse still, the Department is appealing against all the decisions that have cost us so much money so far, no doubt on the orders of Work and Pensions Secretary Amber Rudd.
So she’s spending even more of our cash!
And the Conservatives call themselves the party of financial responsibility. The party of delusion, more like.
Tory ministers blew almost £200,000 of taxpayer cash fighting seven single mums and disabled people over Universal Credit.
The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) racked up the huge bill defending three High Court battles that defeated its cruel policies.
In June 2018, top judges found the DWP acted “unlawfully” by denying top-up payments to two disabled men.
In May 2019 judges backed a claim by those same men, plus a third claimant, that said repayments were too small.
And in January 2019 four single mums won a challenge against a “nonsensical” glitch in UC that left them short of cash.
We can reveal the June case cost £91,529 in legal fees, the January case cost £52,446 and the May case cost £39,871 – a total of £183,846.
Yet Tory ministers are appealing all three cases – which means the bill is set to spiral further.
Source: DWP blows £200k fighting 7 single mums and disabled people over Universal Credit – Mirror Online
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I’ve said before that the Solicitors seem to be the only winners here as well as in all the defamation cases etc that have risen over the past 10+ years.
Considering a large amount of MPs and/or their spouses are Solicitors, it really does make you wonder….
Rtu IDs baby is a monster creation only there to beat the peasants with yet go back to IDs hadn’t hr spent wasted vast amounts of tax payers monies billions reset to hide the costs but twenty twenty five billion has been used wasted oh dear how many would that feed wasted monies by the Tories
The evil Tories would rather people starve than give even meagre assistance. One day these people must be held to account.
Sounds like the Tory attack on the poor for profit, may now be turning a loss.
The complete Universal Credit System is a farce… I’m unable to work due to being unwell, in APRIL I got told that I had been awarded sickness element to Universal Credit (extra £300 a month). However there is a catch! The award is paid THREE MONTHS in arrears, so although awarded on 17th April not going to start actually been given this award until 17th July, well even that is not correct, not only does a person have to wait 3 months after being awarded sickness pay that entitled to, because the award date 17th is in the middle of a ‘payment period’, have to wait an extra 2 weeks, so actually they lied when said have to wait THREE MONTHS its actually THREE AND A HALF MONTHS. Disgusted with this sh*tty f**ked up Universal Credit.