Tory Goldsmith heckled at Glastonbury as he tries to ‘greenwash’ austerity policies

“Tory policy kills”: Zac Goldsmith (seated) could do nothing about protestors at his Glastonbury event.
Hear, hear.
Goldsmith was the Tory whose campaign to become London Mayor was reprimanded for Islamophobia.
It seems he went to Glastonbury intending to ‘greenwash’ Tory austerity policies, but festival-goers weren’t having any of it.
And how many disabled people have died because of Tory policies? You won’t get a straight answer from the DWP about that.
Conservative Party MP Zac Goldsmith has been heckled at a speaker’s event at Glastonbury Festival, with audience members reacting to his answers with cries of “blah blah blah, f***ing bulls**t”.
Goldsmith, who represents Richmond Park and North Kingston, was appearing at the festival’s Speakers Forum to talk about austerity and the environment, in a session moderated by BBC journalist Justin Rowlatt.
According to Somerset Live, the event quickly spiralled out of control when protestors carrying a banner reading “Tory policy kills” entered the tent. Goldsmith was subsequently booed throughout the session, despite Rowlatt’s attempts to intervene.
Protestors additionally shouted, “How many disabled people have died?” while expressing their disdain at the MP’s answers to questions.
Source: Glastonbury: Zac Goldsmith heckled and booed at Speakers Forum event | The Independent
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another dead man walking tory…..
His concern for the environment did not stop him from voting for Trident replacement.
Nuclear weapons are not environmentally friendly and nor did he complain when Mushroom Cloud May made clear her willingness to use nuclear weapons!
Well done the Glastonbury Festival goers.