If you need reasons NOT to vote Conservative, look at convict Chris Davies’s voting record

Chris Davies: Some of us think he should be behind prison bars rather than campaigning to win back his comfortable Parliamentary seat.
A fellow Brecon and Radnorshire constituent contacted me on Twitter to say that he would be voting for Chris Davies in the by-election on Thursday.
Mr Davies is the Conservative candidate who was recently convicted of faking expenses claims. There was a petition of recall which was signed by twice the number of people needed, and a by-election was called. Mr Davies caused this election by his own criminality.
But my correspondent said he will vote for the criminal anyway, because Mr Davies persuaded Powys Health Board to carry out a life-saving operation on his son, when the Liberal Democrat AM – Kirsty Williams, whose responsibility this should have been (healthcare being a responsibility devolved to the Welsh Assembly), did nothing.
It’s a fair reason. And I note that the health board did act on the demands of a Westminster MP in this extreme case – but that does not mean that Jane Dodds would have any influence on wider issues if she were elected, as she insists on claiming.
But before we all decide that Tories aren’t so bad after all, let’s have a look at Mr Davies’s voting record, shall we?
A friend on Facebook has been looking into this and has managed to produce this information about his votes on military action, defence, policing, legal matters, fire and rescue
• Davies voted to cut the police budget by 1.7 per cent for 2018-19 (from the previous year) – he has cut the effectiveness of the police.
• Davies voted against a motion to accurately record assaults on police officers and to ensure police officer numbers and funding are not further reduced. He’d previously also voted against supporting real-terms protection for the police budget and against a funding settlement for the police that would maintain frontline services and not compromise public safety.
• Davies voted against making the possession of Corrosive Substance or Dangerous Knifes while on Mopeds or Motorbikes an aggravated offence (aggravated offences attract harsher sentences) – he does not consider acid attacks to be a serious offence.
• Davies didn’t bother to vote on a bill that would ratify a European convention aimed at preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence – he supports violence against women.
• Davies voted to reduce regulations surrounding the possession, making or trading of certain types of high velocity rifles.
• Davies voted to support military action, specifically airstrikes, in Syria – he is a warmonger.
• Davies voted against a motion proposing a full independent UN-led investigation into alleged violations of international humanitarian law in the conflict in Yemen; and against calling on the Government to suspend its support for the Saudi Arabia-led coalition forces in Yemen until it has been determined whether they have been responsible for any such violations – he supports profiteering at the cost of human lives.
• Davies voted against requiring the Government to adopt the continued participation of the UK in the European Arrest Warrant in relation to people suspected of terrorist offences as a negotiating objective in the withdrawal negotiations with the EU – so terrorists are welcome in the UK, as far as he’s concerned.
• Davies voted against requiring the Secretary of State to establish an inquiry into allegations of data protection breaches committed by or on behalf of national news publishers and other media organisations, as recommended by Lord Justice Leveson for Part two of his Inquiry – your information isn’t safe, thanks to Mr Davies.
• Davies voted against requiring Companies House and Other bodies to Identify Beneficial Owners of Companies on Formation (Sanctions and Anti-Money Laundering Bill)
• Davies voted against creating a public register of beneficial ownership information for companies and other legal entities outside of the UK that own or buy UK property, or bid for UK government contracts (Sanctions and Anti-Money Laundering Bill)
• Davies voted to require that the strike ballot threshold for key Fire & Rescue Service Workers be raised to 40% for strike action to be legal.
• Davies voted to require that the strike ballot threshold for Border Security Workers be raised to 40% for strike action to be legal.
• Davies voted against calling on the Government to reduce overcrowding and improve safety in Prisons – our prisons are powderkegs because of him.
The support for crime and opposition to the police speaks for itself. Put it together with the warmongering and profiteering from the harm caused by war and we see a very nasty character indeed.
While the help he provided to one constituent is worthy of acknowledgement, it does not wipe out the huge harm to many others that he has supported.
Would you vote for the man who has done these awful things?
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Davies represents Tory core values, Fraud, Forgery, Theft and Criminal Deception.
This from the Huffpost:
“There were two budgets available to him … both of which he could claim the full amount from.
Davies, who was not seeking to profit financially and was entitled to claim for the pictures, made an “unreserved apology” after his conviction”
This seems to be a purely technical “fraud”. So why didn’t he just take it out of one budget?
Because he’s a criminal?
The start up costs budget which is available to new MPs only had a balance of £476.02, The other budget available to Davies was the Office Costs Budget which had a balance of £8,303.75, this budget, for a non London MP is £23,400 p.a.. Therefore, even though he was a relatively new MP he had already burned his way through two-thirds of that budget which is intended to cover a 365 day financial year.
The items he purchased cost £709, therefore the dilemma he faced was using all his remaining start up budget, £476.02 and paying the balance from his own pocket, or raiding his already severely reduced Office Costs Budget to the tune of £709 and risk that budget being exhausted well before the end of the financial year.
As we now know, he chose a third method, which was to create two invoices to spread the cost between his budgets, which meant he did not have to personally contribute to the cost.
You see this thing in the U S as well. Both Senator Strom Thurmond and Jesse Helms had a strong reputation for helping their constituents.
That is why some people were prepared to vote for them even though they did not agree with their deeply conservative stances.
Should see the record of the candidate they put up for Labour against Amber Rudd. And the rest. I really think we need to VoxPop the real opinion of people of their local candidates, parties and the party leaders. Pretend there is not a mass gave of skeletons in everyone’s cupboards bursting to bust open.
Well actually they are known, that is why nobody wants them. It will be won by ommisions and none voters and spliters.
I agree with you, but disagree wholeheartedly at the same time.
Any right thinking person will be revolted by his record. He supports cruelty and profiteering. He is a criminal who has unjustly enriched himself by virtue of being in office as a representative of his constituents. Even HE should realise that he should step aside to give his own party a better chance of winning. He obviously doesn’t care about what is good for constituents, his country nor even his own party. He is selfish and self absorbed. BUT!! That is EXACTLY what makes a Tory. This is their raison d’etre. This is why he is able to stand again for his party, this is why those who can stomach voting Tory will continue to do so and will likely vote for this vile man again. He is the quintessential Tory, vile to the core. They LOVE him for it…
So you’re saying my constituency contains thousands of people who are themselves completely and utterly vile?
No. A few, maybe. I’d say most are just misinformed and/or blinkered.
He’s a convicted fraudster. A bigger and far worse scrounger than someone making a false benefits claim (Except you won’t see channel 5 making a series about him, oh no.)
It was NO ‘mistake’ as I’ve seen being bandied about. He admitted to the charge(s) that that in March 2016 he made a claim under the MPs’ allowances scheme and provided an invoice that he knew to be “false or misleading”.
Repeat: ”He KNEW to be false or misleading.” In my book that makes him a FRAUDSTER, a THIEF, and a SCROUNGER.
That’s all people need know.