Johnson stumbles again as child poverty cash handed back to Europe unspent

Nobody’s going to be helping this child out of poverty; in fact, the Tory government under Boris Johnson is giving back EU cash intended for this purpose, unspent.
It’s not a good beginning for Boris Johnson, is it?
His Home Secretary is a security risk, dedicated to bringing back the death penalty – and may have breached the ministerial code for a second time, despite having been forced out of the cabinet for her first transgression.
His police recruitment drive won’t restore the 20,000 officers lost since 2010 but will only keep numbers at a standstill.
He made a hypocrite of himself by saying he won’t call a snap election. Despite this claim, the other political parties have put themselves on election alert.
He quietly dropped a Cabinet Office investigation into an MP who grabbed a female climate change protester by the throat, slammed her into a pillar and marched her out of the Mansion House at an event last month, confirming many people’s belief that he is happy with abuse of women.
He pledged to spend £39 billion on a high-speed rail vanity project between Leeds and Manchester, then no doubt wondered why Scottish people booed him when he turned up there offering a share of £300 million to boost growth.
Now this – all in his first week as PM.
More than £3.5m intended to alleviate child poverty and homelessness is at risk of being wasted because the government has failed to spend it, says a House of Lords committee.
The government said there had been “barriers” over spending the money.
But peers have written to complain that after almost six years, the government has failed to deliver spending aimed at addressing “the worst forms of poverty”.
About £580,000 of unspent cash has so far been taken back – and a further similar amount is at risk of being deducted at the end of the year.
While this money is being handed back, food banks are struggling to feed a million children who live below the poverty line, during the school holidays.
As far as I can tell, the only way he could make things worse is by running over Larry the Downing Street Cat in his prime ministerial gas-guzzling limo.
Source: Child poverty cash handed back to Europe unspent – BBC News
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This is old news. This unspent child poverty EU cash is ages old. Questions for previous govt of May and Cameron.
Published three days ago. I know I’m a little late getting to it but it isn’t a May/Cameron issue.
Then why have there been no answers to questions if that’s the case, and why still no answers? It’s inexplicable that they wouldn’t put this money to good use in the form of donations to foodbanks or as one-off payments to families in need. The only conclusion can be that the Tories have a pathological hatred of the poor.
This is absolutely disgusting and beggars belief, I have personal experience of poverty not only as a JSA recipient living hand-to-mouth struggling to survive on a poxy £73 per week in between eating food out of my neighbour’s bin or that I’ve found in the street whilst being chased for old debts, but also as a foodbank volunteer worker for the past two years. This is a slap in the face to all of us and typifies the utter contempt that the Tories have for the poor.
there are kids that dont even have beds in this country and all because them damned tories keep doing this kind of thing, l am disabled, unable to work, this last week l have had 3 doctors appointments and 2 in hospital with another doc appointment on the 1st and 9 more appoints over the next 14 days, but l will be missing some, l cannot walk the distances they are from my home and at 10/15 pounds for taxis’ l just cannot afford it, yes l am on eas …. never been afraid to graft either l cleaned carpets and sofas for a living before l became ill,but even with a list of ailments which impact on each other,l am still on the work related form of esa, and that only after appeal and l am going to say this, the only increase in the amount l get happened this year guess how much…..20p l joke you not 20p, and if you think about it a taxi fare has gone up in line with inflation, when the ConDems were the bigwigs a taxi fare was 2:20 same distance now 5:00 ….. then l see on tv about folks on benefits and it is edited so nastily as to show the worst, its not fun and its not a life …if l had a choice l would not be how l am now, and l worry for others with wee ones who simply cannot find a job God help them because we are a third world country now … even amnesty international tried to intervien on behalf of the victims of the tory party
l notice you say holidays are coming up, my youngest daughter has 2 meals she got at school l am going to send to you as soon as she uploads them, you will be shocked/or sick not a sight anyone would want in front of them
This is a graphic example of how Tories care nothing for the people of Britain. They are, as Nye Bevan once so eloquently put it, “lower than vermin” – much much, lower.