Did BoJob friend who bet on firms crashing after Brexit know about ‘Operation Kingfisher’?

Crispin Odey: This man supports the Conservatives in the belief that they’ll crash the economy. He bet on 16 companies crashing after the Tories compiled a list of firms likely to do so. And the Tories are still saying they’re the party of financial responsibility!
Days after we discovered that Crispin Odey, the pro-Brexit, pro-Boris Johnson, Tory donor, had wagered £300 million on 16 UK firms’ share prices plummeting after Brexit, we learn that the Tory government has compiled a list of firms that are expected to collapse.
Am I the only one who sees a possibility for corruption in a person who gave a large amount of money to support Mr Johnson’s leadership campaign betting a large amount of money on several firms heading for the wall after Mr Johnson compiled a list of such businesses?
The Tories have admitted compiling a list of businesses they expect to collapse because of a no-deal Brexit. Comments by front-bencher Michael Gove in Belfast indicated that the Tories’ planned ‘Operation Kingfisher’ said that it was intended to support ‘fundamentally viable businesses’.
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Peoples’ livelihoods are at stake and the Tories treat it like an office sweepstake on the Grand National, except the runners are doped and the odds are fixed.
Absolutely Trevor – yet there are still many working class people who vote for them. Unbelievable.
Without doubt the nasty Tory Party is dominated by a bunch of thoroughly corrupt criminals – they really are nothing less. They have to be removed from office as soon as possible before they do any more criminal damage to the country.
It’s not often I am lost for words – especially since June 2016 – but I am really struggling today to find words to adequately express my utter disgust at this latest scam by what is laughingly called a government and the Odious Odey.
Many carpetbaggers are having their knives sharpened, ready to make a killing – get set for some serious inflation, beyond that which we endured for twelve years following entry into the EU. Consider this, though, did a load of Tories vote Boris in, so that he could bomb, and disappear, forever, up his own illustrious backside?