Labour urges Boris Johnson not to sign trade deal that would aid Amazon destruction

Bolsonaro’s legacy: The fires set in the Amazon rainforest, apparently on the order of the Brazilian president – and the cost to animal life. Boris Johnson seems keen to contribute to this slaughter.
Look at the images above and bear in mind that Boris Johnson may try to sign a trade deal with Brazil that would accelerate the deaths of these animal breeds and the destruction of the so-called “lungs of the world”.
In world trade terms, after Brexit, he’ll be a beggar and not a chooser, meaning if Jair Bolsonaro – the Brazilian president most people consider responsible for the fires destroying the rainforest and its animal habitats as I type this – tells him to sign a deal that increases the harm, he’ll do it.
Labour has appealed to Mr Johnson to show sense, pointing out that “We cannot risk our planet to buy cheap beef.”
But when has BoJob ever shown any sense at all?
Consider this, from the Independent‘s report:
Mr Johnson has refused to join French president Emmanuel Macron and Irish premier Leo Varadkar in threatening to block a South American trade deal if Mr Bolsonaro fails to live up to his commitments to protect the environment.
Stressing his unwillingness to disrupt trade at a time when fears of a global showdown are rising, the PM said that some leaders at the G7 Summit in Biarritz were using the catastrophic wildfires in the Amazon as an “excuse” to interfere with free trade.
He hasn’t got a clue.
And if he has his way, we’ll all end up breathing ashes instead of oxygen. Who will he blame then?
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I am reminded of the wise words carved into the Georgia Guidestones; “Leave room for Nature”. Those words,however, may be intended for future generations, TPTB knowing that there is no hope for current generations of Humanity and that the end of this epoch is inevitable, our fate is already sealed. That may sound very defeatist and pessimistic but how else do we explain our Leaders lack of urgency regarding Environmental matters, given that they must be in the know. After all, it was the Rosicrucians who built those Guidestones in Georgia, the very people who really control the Western powers, the creators of the Modern world, from Dee’s vision of the British Empire to Bacon’s ‘New Atlantis’, from the Invisible College to the Royal Society, Nicholas Roerich and Manly P. Hall, to Fulcanelli.
I see you’re fond of conspiracy theories.
Admittedly such matters do seem like theories to the casual observer, but I have honestly done a lot of research in this respect. Take the term ‘Statecraft’ for instance, used by Max Heindel a century ago to describe the secretive activities of some Freemasons in influencing the affairs of nations, yet today the Institute for Statecraft openly exists. And there’s no denying that Bacon’s ‘New Atlantis’ is a fairly accurate description of modern day America. Whether Fulcanelli’s prophecy (based upon his analysis of the Cross of Hendaye) is to come true or not remains to be seen, but Mankind’s Baptism of Fire is looking increasingly likely!
Is he not involved in discussions with other members of the G7 on what is the course of appropriate action and pledged ten million to protect the Amazonian Forests?