These hypocrites: Lib Dems took £9K from students. See what they want to do next

Hypocrisy: Vince Cable, who was a minister in the Coalition government and oversaw the disastrous privatisation of the Royal Mail as well as voting for the increase in tuition fees, is set to announce the new policy at the Liberal Democrat conference.
The Liberal Democrats are saying they want to give people £9,000 to fund learning, nine years after they reneged on their promise to end university tuition fees and increased them to £9,000 instead.
Does Jo Swinson think we have forgotten?
It was the fundamental betrayal that set the tone of the so-called ConDem coalition for the next five years.
Here’s the Mirror to explain the idea:
A motion at this weekend’s party conference will see Vince Cable push a £1.5 billion plan for a universal Education and Skills Account which would see the Government hand every person £3,000 when they turn 25, 40 and 55.
The amounts would be designed to “encourage workers to retrain into shortage occupations”.
It is hugely hypocritical of Swinson’s party.
This is the party that took away people’s ability to get the qualifications they needed for the career they wanted.
Now it says it would use the money from that policy to shoe-horn the same people into jobs a Liberal Democrat government would say are needed.
This is a policy to deny people the ability to choose their own careers; their own paths in life.
And they call themselves Liberals.
Shame on them.
Source: Lib Dems want to give adults £9k to learn – ten years after backing £9k uni fees – Mirror Online
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This policy sums up the LibDems, half arsed. It is just playing around at the edges when compared to Labour’s radical and comprehensive National Education Policy.
Where is this money going to come from? Och, aye, it’s ours!