London Green Left Blog: In Defence of Greta Thunberg

Last Updated: October 10, 2019By

I’d never heard of the London Green Left Blog but this is food for thought, isn’t it?

The young Swedish woman Greta Thunberg has faced an exceptional outpouring of hatred that translates into the most vile macho attacks, the most sordid insinuations about her mental health, the lowest calumnies about her autonomy, and even barely veiled death threats.

This source is the national-populist, climate denying, sexist, racist and antisemitic extreme right-wing. It is spreading like a cancer, especially since the election of Trump, Brexit, and the successes of the German AfD, the French FN/RN and the Italian Lega, among others.

The photoshop montages showing Greta alongside financier Georges Soros or a fighter of the Islamic State clearly show the antisemitic or Islamophobic intentions of these circles.

The links of this extreme right with fossil capital are proven. If we dig a little deeper, we find in the campaign against Greta Thunberg all the nebula of collaborators in reactionary think tanks and other climate denying “institutes”.

Source: London Green Left Blog: In Defence of Greta Thunberg

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No Comments

  1. hugosmum70 October 10, 2019 at 10:23 pm - Reply

    is no one entitled to their own opinions anymore in this rotten world?

  2. Jeffrey Davies October 11, 2019 at 5:57 am - Reply

    You forgot our government who are a bunch of racists the whole world gone mad or whot

    • Mike Sivier October 11, 2019 at 11:47 am - Reply

      Not my words!

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