Universal Credit rise will STILL leave families with less than half what they would have had without the benefit freeze

Therese Coffey: She knows the rise in Universal Credit doesn’t even cover the price increases claimants face. And she couldn’t care less. So much for her duty of care.
Typical Tories – they cut your income by more than half and then expect you to be grateful.
They are ending a benefit freeze that has lasted many years, to give Universal Credit claimants on £500 a month a rise of £8.50 next April.
That will leave claimants only £580 out-of-pocket, in comparison to what they would have received, had people like Boris Johnson, Therese Coffey, Michael Gove, Priti Patel and Dominic Raab not decided to freeze benefits for the poor and give huge tax cuts to rich people like themselves instead.
Oh, and if you’ve heard that the rise is intended to cover inflation, I have bad news for you – it won’t.
Inflation is measured on the basis of a basket of goods representing “typical” spending – but people on benefits don’t make such “typical” purchases.
Utility and council tax bills have risen by more than the average, while the cost of “discretionary” items like clothing and shoes have risen by less.
So even less of UC claimants’ money will actually be available for necessities like food and, with winter coming up again, heat.
Mr Johnson knows this – as does his Work and Pensions secretary, Therese Coffey. They just don’t care.
Source: Poorest Universal Credit families £580 worse off – despite first rise in 5 years – Mirror Online
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Of course they don’t care. It’s written all over her pinched and bitter-looking face! Where DO they find these people?!
A single claimant on ESA or JSA will get an increase of…….. £1.24 per week. They really are taking the piss.