Election 2019: Will YOU vote to support Tory policies of death by benefit denial?

Uncannily accurate: The Conservative government’s genuine policy towards PIP claimants may as well be as it appears in this cartoon from 2017.
It would be easy to forget – during the general election campaign – that Conservative government policies have contributed to the deaths of thousands of disabled people.
According to the Department for Work and Pensions, they died after the government rejected their claims for Personal Independence Payment – or before the government could be bothered to make a decision.
I refer to official figures released on February 1 this year.
They state that 7,990 claimants, who died within six months of their claim being registered, had had their claims rejected. Can anybody doubt that these decisions were wrong?
And 5,219 claimants died after registering but before the government made a decision on their claim.
Now, I’m not saying that all 13,119 of them would be still alive if their claims had not been handled under Conservative government rules.
But I’m absolutely sure the Tories did not treat them reasonably and many of them may still have been alive today, under a different system.
The newspapers – and This Site – have been full of stories demonstrating the ways in which the Tories have mistreated vulnerable people.
It is clear that anybody voting for the Conservatives supports the untimely deaths of people with disabilities.
But now the people have a chance to put and end to the cruelty.
All we have to do is vote for a Labour government.
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It is clear that anybody voting for the Conservatives supports the untimely deaths of people with disabilities.
I was campaigning today in a Tory seat and I confronted these smug. self-satisfied types with these sorts of facts and they just don’t care, they don’t even think about it, they don’t give a ‘Brad Pitt.’
They believe that things like this are ‘just life’ and life is harsh and their corner is alright. Some quality which is essential to defining a human as fully human is missing from them – utterly shocking but depressingly commonplace.
@Simon Cohen
Those smug Tory voters should be continually looking over their figurative shoulders as it only takes a heart attack or stroke to demolish a comfortable middle-class lifestyle. Bang goes the salary and the mortgage and say hello to Tory benefit sanctions and possible loss of home.
Still though, on other blogs anti-Corbyn comments abound from so-called ‘Progress’ types, expressing very negative views about Labour’s ability to win the election, calling for Corbyn to resign for no specific reason other than the fact that they don’t like him because he’s a Socialist, but not a word of criticism from them of the Tories ! It’s almost as if these Blairite traitors don’t want Labour to win. Couple all that with the media smears and it’s going to be an uphill battle despite the very obvious flaws and failings of the Tories, all the deaths misery and poverty they’ve caused, all the money they’ve trousered and diverted to their rich mates, etc etc. They’ve wrecked the country and waged the most brutal Class War against us for a decade yet still these idiots continue to criticize Jeremy Corbyn! It’s exasperating, and very disconcerting.
Hmmm their own dwp had said 97000 deaths a good while ago while aktion T4 had culled 96000 they passed well passed this figure now how can a government get away with it culling the stock through benefits denial criminals all they been told since they come to power
Can anyone give us the correct figure for deaths of claimants? —I really don’t think the figures are correct as i’ve been campaigning against this since the cull began when the figure was put as 112,000. As i’m once again going to be knocking on doors on the behalf of the Labour Party ,the correct information would be invaluable to me
The figures here are just for Personal Independence Payment. Add in Incapacity Benefit, ESA, DLA, Universal Credit and Jobseekers’ Allowance and there are a lot more. But we don’t know exactly how many because the Conservatives simply won’t give us a straight answer to the question.
A few years ago (maybe 5 or 6 ?) there was a Report commissioned and published by DPAC that comprehensively listed the details of every death (up to then) where the Coroner had stated that Benefits issues had contributed to the death. They published it online but were forced to take it down by Cameron’s government owing to some sort of legal issue (I think they might have used data protection as an excuse?). Sorry to be so vague, I can’t recall the exact details,but I’m sure it put the figure at just over 50,000 deaths, and that was a few years ago. It was simply referred to as the DPAC Report.
can you imagine in say, 40 to 50 years from now history would still be ripe with the holocaust & the genocide from the 2010s due to so-called austerity??