Elderly man – with long-term illness – dies at Job Centre after being found ‘fit for work’

Protest: This is the most appropriate image I have for the story below. It shows a protest by an artist known as VoidOne. More information is available here.
If this does say everything about why we need a change of government, I don’t know what does.
A man collapsed and died while he was waiting for an appointment to claim unemployment benefit at a Job Centre in Llanelli.
We are told he was diabetic, and must have been receiving some form of sickness or disability benefit until recently because his appointment was a consequence of being found “fit for work” after an assessment interview.
We are also told he was 65 years old, which means that he would have been old enough to retire if the Conservatives had not decided to raise the retirement age for both men and women in an attempt to save a few pennies.
Metro quotes a witness who said: “The man next to me told me that the poor guy had diabetes and had been declared fit for work by the job centre earlier in the year but he was obviously ill.”
Yes, he was obviously ill.
But that didn’t mean a thing to a Tory government that would rather see you dead if you can’t be made to work for a pittance to increase the profits of the super-rich.
That’s why so many people are refused sickness and disability benefits, even though they clearly qualify; without the money they need to support them, either their condition will kill them, or stress, or they may take their own life in despair.
It’s all the same to the Tories; they call it a “positive benefit outcome”.
There is only one way to end this barbarity – and that is to vote a Labour government back into office.
Source: Man dies at Llanelli Job Centre while claiming Jobseeker’s Allowance | Metro News
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A couple of questions for all JCP ‘capo’ staff.
Get your ‘job satisfaction’ from that, do ya?
Only following orders, were ya?
Daniel Blake in real life. It’s time the Tories were history, and as for the Jobcentres they too should be relegated to the history books alongside Work Houses, close them all down and be done with them.
Is this Voidone geezer the same guy as Johnny Void of the much-missed Void blog?
Not to my knowledge. I’ve conversed with both and they seem to be different people.
Ah, right. Any idea what became of Johnny? I like to think of him thriving under a new name on a new blog and that I’ll stumble across him again any day now.
Best blog-writer in the underworld, apart from your good self, obviously!
Thanks. I’ve no idea what happened to him. He just disappeared as far as I know.
Sad has it may be aktion T4 rolling along with out much of a ado culling the stock through benefits denial