DWP leaves navy amputee with £16 a month and tells him: get a job

Kevin Barnes: This former Navy amputee is hospital-bound but must use his pension to pay for a flat he can no longer occupy. Meanwhile the DWP has given him only £16/month in Universal Credit because of that pension.
Is anybody else thinking of Norman Tebbit, a Tory minister back in the 1980s, telling people to get “on your bike”?
That comment, inappropriate at the time, would be even more so in the case of 62-year-old Kevin Barnes, whose leg was amputated by surgeons because of circulatory problems.
The DWP assessed him for Universal Credit and decided to offer just £16 a month – while also demanding evidence that Mr Barnes was serious about returning to work.
It seems the assessment was carried out before his leg was removed, so he is now struggling to cope because of an out-of-date decision.
Mr Barnes is entitled to a military pension which pays £500 a month – most of which must now service his rent of £410 a month.
But his flat is now unsuitable for his needs as he is now bound to a wheelchair. In real terms, he is homeless – but must still pay for his flat because it contains all his possessions. Housing officials are trying to find him a new home.
Mr Barnes also draws £81.90 Personal Independence Payment, which is meant to be used to help him cope with extra financial pressures he faces because of his new disability.
He fears it will be cut in the near future because people are not eligible for PIP if they are in hospital for longer than 28 days and Mr Barnes has been hospitalised for two and a half weeks so far.
According to the Mirror:
Kevin said: “I’m supposed to be looking for work in the future, enhancing my CV, this that and the other.
“But I cannot plan for work at the moment. I now have to prepare myself for being in a wheelchair all the time and get used to that.
“Then there’s the prosthetics – I have my first meeting for that as well.
“I had been working and I expect … to work,” Kevin said. “I just thought I would be working and my naval pension would be a bit of a bonus, but it’s turned out to be my main source of income.
Source: Royal Navy amputee stranded with £16 Universal Credit told ‘get a job’ by DWP – Mirror Online
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DAMNED DISGUSTING! But then they [Tories] don’t care one iota.
It’s just disgusting. Social Security has effectively been weaponised by the Tories.