NHS medical records handed to O2 to predict mental breakdowns – isn’t this against the law?

How many NHS record files have been handed over to a private firm by the Tories, in breach of Data Protection laws and the General Data Protection Regulations?
This looks like a huge data protection breach.
The Tory government, which runs the NHS in England, should have sought permission from patients before handing over their records to a commercial organisation – anonymised or not.
The fact that this information only became public knowledge via a Freedom of Information request makes it even worse because the Tories have been hiding what they have done.
Are you a patient of Birmingham and Solihull Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust?
If so, I strongly suggest that you get together with other patients, find out if your information was handed over, and take legal action. Get in touch with Citizens Advice to find out how.
The telecoms giant O2 has been given access to a cache of NHS medical records to develop an algorithm aimed at predicting when mental health crises might occur.
Patients’ consent was not sought before Telefonica, the Spanish group that trades as O2 in the UK, was given free access to the trove of records from Birmingham and Solihull Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust, according to documents, published last month under freedom of information laws.
The data includes five years’ of anonymised records belonging to current and former patients. In the document, the NHS trust said that “25,000 people experience a mental health crisis every year” in Birmingham and Solihull, suggesting that data on tens of thousands of patients could have been shared.
Source: NHS medical records given to telecoms group to predict mental breakdowns | News | The Sunday Times
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Since being in power they lied cheated about our records in 2011 they were selling them to bizneses they ain’t to be trusted