Johnson is pressing ahead with money-wasting Scotland-Ireland bridge plan

Remember the Garden Bridge: Boris Johnson spaffed nearly £60 million on this while he was Mayor of London – and not a single minute’s work was spent trying to build it. The NI-Scotland bridge is just his latest pie-in-the-sky project.This is arrogant lunacy and it will cost a fortune.

I’m not even talking about the price of building a bridge from Northern Ireland to Scotland; the consultants will bleed the public purse brutally before it can ever get that far.

In fact, we already know it can’t be done – at least, not for any acceptable price.

But then, Mr Johnson’s plans aren’t about cost-effectiveness. They’re about keeping public funds away from those members of the public who need them.

And, judging from Twitter, we all know it:

No; I don’t think there will.

But a lot of money will be spent before then – cash that could go on much better things but won’t.


  1. timfrom February 11, 2020 at 6:52 am - Reply

    I approve. If they keep going at this rate trying to keep the Labour Scablands impressed, they’ll be out of office in no time!

  2. Growing Flame February 11, 2020 at 9:08 am - Reply

    Money better spent on a Channel Bridge to help ease bottlenecks caused by all the extra paperwork generated by Brexit.

  3. Martin Odoni February 11, 2020 at 1:18 pm - Reply

    The West often tries to justify withholding economical support to African countries on the grounds that many of them are dictatorships ruled over by half-mad, self-obsessed authoritarian autocrats, who fritter away priceless resources on imbecilic vanity projects.

    (Normally I’d add a punchline at this point, but really, could a punchline ever be more wasted?)

  4. bevchat February 11, 2020 at 1:28 pm - Reply

    I don’t think they have thought this proposed plan through thoroughly for a start have they worked out how they are going to cross a trench full of WW2 munitions, or overcome the tides which are very rough as the sea in that point is shallow? What engineers in their right minds will take this project on…..this is the Irish sea not a river…..!!! Shall I bring the popcorn!!! lol!!

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