Part-time PM Johnson booed as ‘traitor’ in flood-hit town after voting down thanks for emergency workers

The only job he’s good for: what a shame Boris Johnson was pictured mopping out flood-hit buildings in November, while he was after general election votes, and not in February, when he didn’t need them. He doesn’t care about your hardship.
What did he expect?
Boris Johnson went AWOL during the February floods, hiding away in a stately home while thousands of others saw their homes submerged – in stark contrast to his behaviour on the campaign trail last November, when he saw a chance to grab a few votes by pretending to care.
We know he doesn’t care, because he and his Tories voted down a motion of thanks for all the emergency workers, Environment Agency staff, council workers and volunteers who actually did turn up to help those affected by the severe weather.
That motion also included a call for an independent inquiry into the floods, looking at the level of funding for flood defences and an examination of lessons to be learned.
But rather than launch such a review, which is likely to be damaging to him and his government, Johnson’s new Chancellor, Rishi Sunak, has simply announced that he will double the amount of funding to be spent on flood defences over the next few years.
Johnson himself tried to fob off critics, saying that he had been “directing operations” and “working round the clock on various things”.
But to those who who called him a “traitor” during a long-delayed visit to flood-hit Bewdley on the banks of the River Severn, he admitted that any such interference would only get in the way.
He was referring to personal visits but what does he know about flood defence operations?
So any claim to be “directing operations” is nonsense.
Indeed, it seems Johnson has to be prompted by public embarrassment before he’ll agree to do anything.
His government has announced £500 council tax breaks for people affected by flooding, alongside other hardship relief measures – but this was only after one council – Derbyshire – accused him of hypocrisy after saying he would support local government and then turning his back.
So – again – it is impossible to believe a word Johnson says.
He hoped to ignore the millions of pounds worth of harm done to UK citizens while it was happening, and then lie that he had been working hard. The people who held him to account should be congratulated.
Source: ‘Traitor’: Boris Johnson is heckled as he visits town devastated by flooding | The Independent
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Our leader/women hater/dictator and now king boris doesn’t even work part-time. His hours of work are less than 10 a week! “working round the clock on various things”.is dictator boris’s common response which translates to ‘I am doing nothing because you stupid morons voted me into power and why should I work when I am being paid a huge sum!’
Hopefully more women and men will wake up and see through dictator king boris’s lies!
If Britain truly was a meritocracy that WOULD be his regular job.