Coronavirus: it seems Boris Johnson might have actually infected his whole cabinet

Johnson: He boasted that he had been shaking hands with coronavirus victims, then he came down with it. Who knows how many cabinet members are infected after he failed to observe his own rules on social distancing?
A third cabinet member is self-isolating because he has symptoms of the coronavirus.
Alister Jack, Secretary of State for Scotland, is the latest crony of Boris Johnson to fall victim to the contagion.
This is what the Tory government gets for failing to observe its own demands for people to observe “social distancing”!
Who knows who’ll get it next?
Source: Coronavirus: Scottish secretary Alister Jack has Covid-19 symptoms – BBC News
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But not like us told to go home and isolate they get medical care of the top specialist not like us at all
We of course musn’t forget the odious Nadine “I’ll never catch it” Dorries in charge of NHS patient safety who carelessly caught it and infected her frail elderly mother.
These are people not affected by austerity, who could actually afford a holiday this year (and to self-isolate) having the arrogance to believe that they are somehow “too good” to catch it.
Now Dominic Cummings has the coronovirus! Dictator Boris did a good job infecting everyone around him! But hey Dictator Boris and his cronies will receive excellent care because they are all ‘special and essential key workers!’
They have done what they set out to do. Yes, Brexit was supposed to have been the vehicle to close borders, start food shortages and fights for loos rolls in the aisles. Now Boris and Demonic are done. They have delivered martial law to control the final plunder and transfer of every individuals net worth in the UK and transfer it to the 1%. They are no longer needed and indeed in the case of Johnson was frankly becoming a bit of a liability. One might suspect Kremlin flu as much as CV19 for keeping him in No11 and out of sight. Ditto the rest if the cabinet. Except that “Boris” (or Raab ffs) now controls just about everything as dictator. Whoever controls Johnson controls us all, decides who lives and dies, who gets the food and who ends up as a “suspected CV19 carrying” disruptor in indefinite custody, deprived of “all contact”.
Even King Cnute couldn’t hold back the waves…