Poetic justice: Dominic Cummings has contracted coronavirus

Dominic Cummings: here he is seen failing to self-isolate – with Boris Johnson, who has also contracted the coronavirus.
If anybody deserved to catch the coronavirus, it was Dominic Cummings – and now he has.
And no – I’m not going to apologise for apparently wishing on someone a serious illness that might kill him.
Mr Cummings, lest we forget, was a big fan of the idea of developing “herd immunity” by letting as many people as possible become infected. So one might conclude that he should be happy to be among them.
He was paraphrased after a private speaking engagement in February as saying, “If some pensioners die, too bad.”
So it would be churlish to blame people for suggesting, “If Dominic Cummings suffers, too bad.”
(Sorry folks but I’m still not prepared actually to wish death on anybody.)
And we can all understand why people are saying things like…
Welcome to the herd, Mr Cummings.
— Ash Sarkar (@AyoCaesar) March 30, 2020
As Dominic Cummings goes into self-isolation, doctors agree that about five years should do it.
— Have I Got News For You (@haveigotnews) March 30, 2020
Source: Dominic Cummings Self-Isolating After Experiencing Coronavirus Symptoms | HuffPost UK
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F*****g A as the Yanks would say… who’s next IDS? 👌
I wouldn’t wish this virus on anyone
Human … that’s for sure . .
If it doesn’t kill him he (and the rest of the cabinet) should be sacked, asset stripped and made to claim Universal Credit or do a PIP test. Hanging for crimes against humanity would be too soft.
All this hand wringing by the government trying to safe lives, yet with the DWP have killed over 100,000 yet nobody bats an eyelid.
Karma can be such a b***h