Will the UK follow America and abandon people with disabilities to die of coronavirus?

A ventilator: The NHS in the UK doesn’t have enough of these to cater for the number of people likely to need them. Will people with disabilities be passed over because of Tory prejudice?
Boris Johnson and his Tories like to copy what happens in the United States – and they already have a record for persecuting disabled people.
So what would you give for the chances of people with Down Syndrome, cerebral palsy, autism or any of the other reasons for receiving Personal Independence Payment, knowing that the US is letting them die of coronavirus?
New guidance published Alabama officials says that ‘persons with severe mental retardation, advanced dementia or severe traumatic brain injury may be poor candidates for ventilator support.’
It goes on to say that ‘persons with severe or profound mental retardation, moderate to severe dementia, or catastrophic neurological complications such as persistent vegetative state are unlikely candidates for ventilator support.’
Similar guidance has been issued in Washington and Arizona, with medics in the latter state instructed to ‘allocate resources to patients whose need is greater or whose prognosis is more likely to result in a positive outcome with limited resources.’
Disability advocacy groups have now filed complaints against the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) for further clarification on the often vague guidance, and are seeking assurance that disabled people will not be discriminated against when it comes to receiving emergency care.
Too late – the discrimination is already happening.
In the United Kingdom, the NHS doesn’t have enough ventilators to go around so it is entirely logical to expect the Tories to ration them.
This Writer has a terrible feeling disabled people are already being passed over – or the orders may already be in place – in the UK.
I would appreciate any information from people who experience such prejudice.
Source: People with Down syndrome could be left to die of coronavirus to ‘save’ supplies | Metro News
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Well we now aktion T4 culled many for them making great savings in benefits now we find many allowed to die once again excuses they not worth saving now then whe’re were these words spoken in Germany. Under the guise of yes aktion T4 yet now we the disabled sick mentally ill will have to pay that price
Although despicable, at least they are being more honest about it than our Government who pretend to care but sneakily do the opposite, hoping not to get found out.
Fascism combined with eugenics and I have no doubt fascist tories will enact the same claims – wah we can’t save everyone so the disabled/long term sick can die!
Oh wait – fascist tories are already doing this by withdrawing financial support to disabled women and men as well as long term ill individuals!
Isn’t that the way Adolf got started? Took out the “cripples and the feeble minded” first.
when no one complained he went for the Traveling People and the homosexuals. The rest is history.
I find America strange, women are refused abortions when their babies will be born with “abnormalities” such as down’s syndrome, because they pretend it’s about “pro life” but when the chips are down those people are the first to be left to die…so I guess it’s not pro life after all, just pro birth and the control of women.
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