Why is Johnson so popular when he has bungled the coronavirus crisis so badly?

I don’t get it.

A poll out yesterday (April 2) shows that most people believe Boris Johnson and his government have botched their handling of the coronavirus pandemic, endangering lives.

But popularity polls put him and his party at their most popular in years, with more than 50 per cent of people supporting them.

In the name of all that’s decent, why?

And don’t give me the old flannel about the alternative being worse. That’s a false argument; we don’t know that the alternative would be worse and can only judge the situation that we have.

The new poll by Ipsos Mori shows 56 per cent of said the social distancing measures were imposed too late while just four per cent believed they were brought in too soon. A further 35 per cent of respondents said they thought the measures were taken at the right time.

Even so, a majority of those polled said they thought the measures had been effective – while watching death figures increase steadily. This is contradictory; if Johnson brought in the measures too late, then he has endangered lives and they have not been effective.

Other critics are harsher.

“No 10 appears to be enamoured with ‘scientism’ – things that have the cosmetic attributes of science but without its rigour,” wrote Nasim Nicholas Taleb, professor of risk engineering at New York University’s Tandon School of Engineering and author of The Black Swan, and Yaneer Bar-Ya, president of the New England Complex System Institute.

“Collective safety and systemic risk are the business of the state. Letting a segment of the population die for the sake of the economy is a false dichotomy – aside from the moral repugnance of the idea.” This is a reference to Dominic Cummings’s favoured ‘herd immunity’ idea that was, in fact, unscientific and would have resulted in the deaths of millions of UK citizens.


“Gambling with the lives of citizens is a professional wrongdoing that extends beyond academic mistake; it is a violation of the ethics of governing,” they concluded.

Foreign commentary has been even more unkind.

“Looking across the Irish Sea I find myself thinking surely now, surely the British can see how they’ve been hoodwinked,” wrote Joe Horgan in the Irish Times [boldings mine].

“Boris Johnson is incompetent in a way that is astonishing even to those of us who thought he was a mere showman charlatan.

“Johnson told you one week to carry on, everything would be fine, and the following week to not step outside the door. For a man so fond of wartime imagery there is one that seems to fit him. An image from WW1 that was used to describe British soldiers in the trenches and the generals that ordered them to their deaths. Lions led by donkeys.”

(Led By Donkeys is, coincidentally – or perhaps not – a UK organisation that ran a billboard campaign highlighting the contradictions of Johnson’s, and other Brexiteers’, words on Brexit.)

“Much like those generals, Johnson’s initial idea of herd immunity seemed willing to sacrifice thousands of you only for him to turn around in the middle of no man’s land and run for cover.

“Of all the European leaders he has looked the most out of his depth, the most shallow, and vacuous. These are dark times and rambling verbal buffoonery looks as essentially useless as it essentially is.”

He concluded that he felt the Irish people had been lucky, and: “I dearly hope you, our neighbours, our friends, and our family, on the other side of the Irish Sea, I dearly hope you get lucky too.” Because luck is all that can save us from Johnson’s disastrous policy blunders.

Perhaps most cutting was the New York Times.

“Boris Johnson has spent decades preparing for his lead role, honing his adopted character, perfecting his mannerisms, gauging the reactions to his performance and adjusting it for maximum effect,” wrote Jenni Russell in that publication.

“Now he has the national stage and the rapt audience he always craved… throughout these last weeks as the coronavirus crisis became apparent to everyone in Britain, Mr. Johnson has been indecisive, contradictory, confused and confusing, jovial when he should be grave, muddled when a frightened nation desperately needs him to be clear.

“The man picked for his supposed talents as a great communicator has stumbled his way through news conferences, occasionally hitting with evident relief upon a jolly riff he finds familiar.

“In the rare moments when he has struck the right note, he unerringly hits a jarring one minutes, hours or days later. His switches of strategy and his lack of clarity left far too many Britons oblivious to the importance of social distancing until far too late.

“As the virus spread into Europe in mid-February, an alert prime minister would have taken immediate charge, turbocharging preparations, aware that a possible pandemic posed a grave danger to Britain. Instead, he vanished from public view for 12 days, most of it spent on a private holiday with his pregnant fiancée at a palatial country house.

“It was only at the end of February, with 80,000 known coronavirus cases worldwide and the World Health Organization on the edge of declaring a pandemic, that Mr. Johnson began to wake up. By that time there were 20 confirmed cases and one death in Britain already — and surely many more coming.

“On Feb. 28, after the FTSE index had suffered its biggest one-week fall since 2008, Mr. Johnson finally said the virus was the country’s top priority. Only not enough of a priority, it turned out, for him to start work on it that weekend. He could have convened an immediate meeting of the government’s top emergency committee, Cobra, but he postponed it to Monday, as if the virus’s unseen and exponential spread would also be taking the weekend off.

“The next week Mr. Johnson announced that “we should all basically just go about our normal daily lives’’ so long as we washed our hands for 20 seconds, several times a day. It was advice he immediately undermined by boasting cheerfully that he was still shaking hands, as he had indeed done at a hospital with several virus patients just days before. He did not recommend stopping.

“Two days later, as Italy and Spain were shutting down, pleading for other countries not to repeat their mistakes, Mr. Johnson was explaining jauntily that one of the options for handling the virus was not to close schools or sporting events but to “take it on the chin, take it all in one go and allow the disease, as it were, to move through the population, without taking as many draconian measures.” The policy, it was later revealed, was to encourage “herd immunity.” That implied some 40 million people getting ill and another 800,000 ending up in intensive care.

“It was instantly apparent to an aghast public that a creaking, underfunded health service with fewer than 5,000 intensive-care beds; an acute shortage of ventilators, masks, suits and gloves; an inadequate testing capacity; and a disease running free would fall apart just as Italy’s had done.”

Was it? His opinion poll ratings seem to suggest otherwise – in defiance of reason.

““Herd immunity” was quietly reversed. Suddenly restrictions started piling on, but sometimes only as recommendations: 14-day isolations, a warning against pubs, restaurants, theaters; a ban on mass gatherings; school closings. Each day brought new shocks as the government ran to catch up. Each day it acted as if taken by surprise by the virus’s spread.

“Mr. Johnson found it impossible to maintain either consistency or seriousness. He delighted in describing cutting peak death rates as “squashing the sombrero” and declared with verve that we would soon “send coronavirus packing.” He has veered among solemnity, evident boredom and grins, as if his virus briefings were the Boris Johnson Entertainment Show, not the grimmest of necessary broadcasts.

“He said the elderly must be protected from contact, then declared he hoped to visit his mother. Desperate doctors and nurses were warning of imminent disaster, and some of his cabinet were in revolt at his failure to grip the crisis, risk his jolly image and order Britain closed. On Monday, finally, he had to announce that Britain’s lockdown had begun.

“Even then, at this time of profound national fear and disorientation, Mr. Johnson could not speak with gravitas, only with the odd, stagy emphasis of a man pretending while half his mind is elsewhere. His whole political appeal has always rested on his capacity for artful ambiguity, for never necessarily meaning anything he says, for amusing and uplifting people, for avoiding hard facts. It’s what he knows, but not what we need.”

(Apologies to the NYTimes for quoting so much of the article but the facts it contains, and the conclusions it draws, should be drawn to the attention of the UK’s population.)

Given all of these criticisms, it is perhaps unsurprising that Mr Johnson has decided that discretion is the better part of cowardice and is remaining in retreat from the public.

Apparently he still has coronavirus symptoms and is therefore continuing his self-isolation.

Some of us are sceptical, including This Site’s old friend Samuel Miller.

He said Johnson “may stay inside a fridge” – referring to the incident in which our great and illustrious prime minister hid inside a refrigerator to escape having to answer difficult questions.

That’s Boris Johnson for you. That’s the prime minister we elected. A man who spouts nonsense at us and then runs away and hides.

And the people, we’re told, love him for this genocidal stupidity.

In the name of all that’s decent, why?

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  1. Dave Rowlands April 3, 2020 at 2:07 pm - Reply

    It’s propaganda, polls made to make you think in a different way, it’s lies, just the same crap the government spews out every minute of every day.

  2. kateuk April 3, 2020 at 2:18 pm - Reply

    Someone mentioned that he may have “Russian Flu” in other words no illness but is being deliberately kept away from the public eye. Maybe his minders have decided that he’s a liability?

  3. Aidey Aitchdee April 3, 2020 at 2:27 pm - Reply

    I don’t think he does have any symptoms. Knowing what a prolific liar he is I would wager that it’s just an excuse to hide away. He’s very good at that, avoiding public scrutiny. I feel that he is continuing the pre election tactic of being out of the public eye so that he doesn’t have to answer any ‘awkward’ questions. I would stick £100 on that.

  4. Jeffrey Davies April 3, 2020 at 2:40 pm - Reply

    Polls will tell you whot they want you to hear but whoever said Boris caught played a blinder has it showed the peasants he is human alot will cheer him didn’t someone in the few days say his sister lives him while she had been sanctioned by dwp who said she didn’t show up when letter was sent to her ho hay we heard that before many many many letter sent but when sar is asked you find no such thing oh dear Boris is winging it once again

  5. trev April 3, 2020 at 2:51 pm - Reply

    It beggars belief. I think they must be putting something in the water that lowers IQ.

  6. SteveH April 3, 2020 at 3:38 pm - Reply

    Some countries have managed to get their act together. Contrast the reaction of the self-employed in Germany to their governments provisions for them with the reactions of the UK’s self employed to their ‘aid package’.
    1.1m applications for ‘immediate financial help’ in Germany
    “Self-employed people have expressed their amazement on social media at how unbureaucratic the access to the funds has been, just days after the measures were passed as emergency legislation in Germany’s parliament, the Bundestag. “


  7. Will Wright April 3, 2020 at 9:09 pm - Reply

    Please check out this site, like most political commentators you are caught up in the lie

    • Mike Sivier April 4, 2020 at 12:57 am - Reply

      I’m not publicising the site you’re promoting as it seems to be an attempt to play down the seriousness of the coronavirus with some pretty dodgy information.

  8. hugosmum70 April 3, 2020 at 11:16 pm - Reply

    Boris Johnson said the elderly must be protected from contact,only 2 weeks ago and since.. now we are being told.. because there is not enough ventilators. the elderly wont get one if admitted to hospital cos we wont survive anyway. tell that to those who have. an 80 plus woman. 95 year old ww2 veteran. a 103 year old.and thats only the few made it into the newspapers. seems to me this mans opinions change with the wind. he has a mother. obviously must think a lot of her as he broke his own rule to go see her on mothers day this year… while most other mothers in the country had to make do with phone calls/video calls etc and a card through the post if they were lucky. not counting those mothers who died or who lost their son/daughter/hubby/parents.siblings etc due to this virus. Will his mother be denied a ventilator if she gets this virus? doubt it and i wouldn’t want her to either.but if its OK for one mum.dad grandpa/grandma over 65 its right for his as well.

  9. john thatcher April 3, 2020 at 11:49 pm - Reply

    A dumbed down electorate,and a media and especially the BBC who have failed to do their job of interrogating power.The first point is explained by the second.

  10. Peter D April 4, 2020 at 9:45 am - Reply

    Johnson is Britain’s Trump.

    24 Jan: Cummings: “UK well prepared for any new disease.”
    6 Feb: China complains PM not in contact,
    11 Feb: “UK should feel confident & calm.”
    26 Feb: Boris returns from 12 days Italian holiday with GF.
    28 Feb: Delays COBRA meeting for 3 days.
    5 Mar: Boris “UK needs to take it on the chin we aim for Herd Immunity.
    13 Mar: Boris “Closing schools will do harm.”
    13 Mar: Boris: “many families will lose loved one.”
    16 Mar: Boris ” No plan to ban events.”
    17 Mar: Boris ” avoid offices, pubs.”
    18 Mar: Boris ” Close schools.”.
    Stay at home – Self Isolate – Keep 2 metres apart – Save the NHS

  11. Wanda Lozinska April 5, 2020 at 8:59 am - Reply

    Had Labour been in government :
    The NHS would have been better funded so more able to cope with the current situation. They’d have reinstated nurses’ bursaries, stemmed the flow of NHS staff returning to the EU and followed advice to provide personal protection equipment to critical workers.

    There’s no way that Labour would have even considered “herd immunity” to supposedly “save” the economy! This strategy has badly backfired on the Tories, not just by greatly increasing the death rate but by forcing this lockdown which is having a devastating impact on the economy!

    As PM Jeremy wouldn’t have placed an order for ventilators with a Tory donor who had never made them before and delayed their delivery by 4 months!!!

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