Coronavirus: is this evidence that self-isolation is just a way for the Tories to hide deaths?

Closed: and now that we’re all locked up behind closed doors, how many of us are dying alone and unnoticed?
I voiced this fear only a day or so ago – and I’m sure I’m not the only one:
Concerns are being raised that people isolating at home with worsening Covid-19 symptoms may not call for medical help early enough when they enter the second, more severe, phase of the virus, possibly reducing their chances of survival.
The NHS does not have a proper monitoring system for those suspected of having coronavirus, said Dr Bharat Pankhania, a senior clinical lecturer at the University of Exeter medical school.
“If a patient is developing pneumonia, it can get progressively worse very quickly and hence early admission upon the first signs of difficulty with breathing are very important,” he said.
“It is important for people recovering at home that there be a monitoring system in place too. Something that we have thus far not introduced.”
Just so: if we’re all ensconced in our homes, on our own recognisance, then there’s no way of knowing when we need to get hospital treatment.
Worse still, if we’re in one or more of the vulnerable groups, there’s no guarantee that we’ll get hospital treatment, even if we ask for it.
The Tories have created an atmosphere of fear over that – meaning that some people may be put off calling for help, even if they do qualify to get it.
And there’s no monitoring system. We’re told that, in black and white.
Another way for the Tories to quietly rid themselves of more “useless eaters”?
Source: Fears that Britons self-isolating with Covid-19 may seek help too late | World news | The Guardian
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Save the NHS stay in yet the NHS is a shadow of its formal self by this lot .so all those deemed useless eaters will find the doors closed to them while others of greater worth will find those doors open just like history repeating itself once again some form of aktion T4 is rolling along with out much of a ado . Figures are controlled by those who own the media outlets only getting whot they want you to hear or see
FFS check the bloody facts
Not from that site, thank you!