Tories are incompetent on coronavirus testing – but at least they’re not telling us to inject disinfectant

[Image from Dorset Eye.]
It has crashed.
According to the BBC:
The website opened on Friday but appeared to close by mid-morning with some users met by an “applications closed” message.
Up to 10 million key workers and their households are eligible to book a test.
That’s if they can get access to the government’s website, of course.
Matt Hancock – what an absolute imbecile.
Still, it could be worse. US president Donald Trump has been encouraging American citizens to inject disinfectant into their bodies because he says it will cure the coronavirus.
Sure it will… by killing the patient. Read:
During a White House press briefing on Thursday, April 23, Trump proceeded to claim sunlight and humidity could destroy the virus.
While still on camera, the president pondered the idea of ‘hitting’ the body with a ‘tremendous ultraviolet or just very powerful light’, turning to aides to express his thoughts. He also spoke about injecting disinfect inside a person’s body as a way of ‘cleaning’ their lungs.
Do not, under any circumstances, try to follow his advice. Only ignorant, stupid Americans should be in danger after hearing this.
(Unfortunately, there seem to be many such people – otherwise how did Trump get into the White House in the first place?)
Source: Coronavirus: Test website closes after ‘significant demand’ – BBC News
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I’ve said it before but its worth repeating…the man wants sectioning, Psyche evaluation NOW.
I heard of Trump’s idea first thing this morning as I woke up, thought I had surely misheard it or was still dreaming, but no, he actually said that. What an unbelievable moron that man is.
Typical of the fascist tories!! I’m certain they deliberately arranged for the website to crash thereby saving them some pennies!! Fascist tories are not just incompetent they are cruel, callous and don’t care one iota about us the public!! Hence all the deliberate refusal to implement immediate lockdown; mandatory testing and contact testing – all of which would have saved thousands and thousands of womens’ and mens’ lives!
So different in the Republic of Ireland!
Everything about the Cons handling of the entire situation has been a reflection of everything that is wrong with them. Hardly any of them has got any common sense, something not taught in private schools. Who else on this planet could not see instantly that the care homes, patients and their staff were completely abandoned by this Government. Why on Gods earth would announcing a free for all to key workers getting tests would not immediately result in a system failure for lack of real capacity and overwhelmed web sites. In their haste to tick a box for the evening meetings they just wanted to state tests were available and worry about the fact their plans for testing sites was a shambolic mess and plan b and c were being hastily scrabbled together entirely on the hoof. When I see their experts and front men I find it incredible that this is the very best front team they have to offer and probably not helped by a civil service that has never had to do fast since the last war. Thank god the cavalry have finally arrived on the scene. As for Boris getting back on the job, having watched him in real time on his fly on the wall foreign office documentary, the further away he is kept from making any more decisions the better. How he was appointed our Prime Minister watching his documentary is unbelievable, unless its all part of a cunning plan.