Coronavirus: Iain Duncan Smith thinks the economy is more important than lives

Iain Duncan Smith’s views on sick people: strange, then, that he wants so many more of us to catch Covid-19 by relaxing the two-metre social distancing rule.
Why did Theresa May give this dimwit a knighthood?
Was it to mess up whoever succeeded her as Tory leader?
If so, it should be working because it is hardly beneficial to Boris Johnson, having the chairman of his leadership campaign demanding that we abandon the social distancing regime that’s keeping us free of Covid-19.
The Tory MP said “we’re the only country certainly in Europe that I know of” that uses the two-metre directive — pointing out that the World Health Organisation recommends people remain only one metre apart.
Suggesting a relaxation of the rule would help many business, Sir Iain told BBC Radio 4’s Today programme: “We need to get [the economy] moving as quick as possible and I’ve certainly been arguing that for some weeks now.
Earlier this month, the government’s chief scientific adviser Sir Patrick Vallance defended the two metre rule, telling MPs the risk of transmitting the virus at one metre is about 10 to 30 times higher than the risk at two metres.
The former Tory leader said he was also concerned about too much government borrowing in the months ahead. “We can’t run an economy like this — we have to have the economy free,” he said.
“We’re going to have to pick this cost up … it’s the British people that will have to be paying that, and that burden will fall heaviest on those on low incomes.”
What a fool.
Just another Tory who doesn’t understand that the economy won’t ever restart if everybody who actually makes or does anything is too sick – or dead.
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You expected something better from that psychopathic ratbag?
I never understand comments like this. I didn’t write the post because I expected anything at all from him; I wrote it because I wanted to show you and other readers what he is doing and what he is like. Otherwise, people forget.
Can you please not write comments that assume any kind of knowledge of my thought processes? Just comment from your point of view.
This thing should be where it belongs, facing misconduct charges for the deaths caused by it’s negligence, when all this is over there needs to be a reform of parliamentary laws that include responsibility and accountability so that if they ignore those then they are in court and if found guilty, take em away in chains
which is perfectly sensble i dont like but this is just a mindless attack
What’s perfectly sensible? Are you saying it’s perfectly sensible to remove a restriction on contact that has been saving thousands of lives ever since it was imposed, and would have saved many thousands more if it had been imposed sooner?
If so, have a good hard think about who’s being mindless.
The real problem here is that nobody will be in the least bit surprised that IDS said this.
RTU IDs is a devil in disguise for many bringing his universal credit a stick to beat the peasants with it had wasted billions 14 or so before being reset hiding the cost but it had reached 28 a year or so back how many billions now 32 but it’s not millions but billions any other clown would have been linched for the obseen amount wasted but he and his erk ain’t in the real world has its itt their monies but ours untill the peasants wake up and rid us of these demons has they have no morals or humanity