Why didn’t Matt Hancock send vulnerable Covid-19 sufferers to Nightingale hospitals rather than care homes?

Care: even the image I’ve been using emphasises the impossibility of social distancing in this context.
It’s a simple enough question.
The London Nightingale hospital opened on April 4 – that’s not such a long time to let a person (who is ill, remember) stay in hospital, is it?
The Nightingale hospitals were provided with facilities specifically for sufferers of Covid-19.
But instead, elderly and vulnerable people were carted off to care homes that did not have such facilities, there to infect many of their fellow residents – along with some staff .
These staff, in turn, moved on to other care homes, where they infected more people who would not have caught the disease if people who had been receiving treatment in hospital had not been shifted out, on the orders of the Conservative government.
The whole situation triggered a spike in excess deaths of at least 31 per cent.
Put that way, the decision looks more like a plan, doesn’t it?
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Of course it was a plan. Hancock knew that the Nightingale hospitals could not be properly staffed and that they were built for political posturing only so the only option he had was to send care home patients back to their homes with no testing.
Why ask you know the answer: aktion T4
It’s the eternal question. Was it a cock-up or was it a conspiracy!
I tend to favour the cock-up option, combined with lots of callous indifference , to explain Tory planning.
But I know that I wondered myself why they did not use the Nightingale hospitals to full capacity. Especially when it became clear that some patients who might have needed urgent help, were avoiding their local hospitals for fear of catching the virus.
How much easier it would have been to move all local Covid patients to the specialist, Nightingale , facilities, so that all other patients could be accommodated back at their local hospital. Reassured that there would be no Covid patients there and that the staff would not be rushed off their feet, as the Nightingale staff would be dealing with the pandemic several miles away.
Instead, as you say, the Nightingales were understaffed and hardly used, while the local hospitals found that patients were staying away and that Covid patients were being moved into Care Homes to spread the virus.
A cock-up so bad, it looks like a conspiracy.
It’s very easy why they never got sent to the nightingale Matt Hancock knows the real reason and I think most of the UK know it Aswel not so long ago Domonic Cummings said if the coronavirus kills a minimum of 20,000 people in the UK it will do the UK good and had the full backing from Boris Johnstone even after saying it. Matt Hancock was told by the top bosses in the NHS the type of ventilators needed to treat people with the virus what helps them breathe for a few days before needing changed but Matt Hancock decided not to order the correct ventilators and opted for cheaper what only lasts a few hours what are no good. And as for the PPE shortage for hospitals and care homes when the hospitals were running low the bosses were contacting suppliers only to be told the orders from Matt Hancock was to only send PPE to the nightingale hospital so hospital staff were having to send staff to pick up PPE from the nightingale hospital the hospital never even had 30 people in it at anytime while hospitals had no empty beds the nightingale DID but orders from Matt Hancock only wanted a maximum of 30 people in at anyone time. The conservatives even refused to let a UK company supply the NHS by not replying back not only that they even ignored the help from the EU someone changed a email from important to spam and since they said they would investigate it nothing had been said about it ever again so who changed it from important to SPAM Domonic Cummings or Boris Johnstone or last but not least Matt Hancock take your pick.
Fascist tories deliberated ordered the policy of hospitals releasing elderly women and men into care homes because this was the most effective way of ‘murdering non-valuable/non-human commodities!’
The nightingale field hospitals were never intended to be used because it was just another fascist tory propaganda exercise which neatly ensured fascist tories’ greedy privately owned corporate companies benefitted financially!!!!
So end result was a huge increase in deaths of approximately 30% but this is merely a statistic so we can forget real elderly women, men, female care home staff all died as a direct result of fascist tory state instigated mass murder!