Did 3,000 people HAVE to die penniless while the Tories fought court case over PIP for the terminally-ill?

Lorraine Cox: she has motor neurone disease, but was denied PIP because she could say she would die within six months. It seems 3,000 others who also couldn’t predict their own deaths have died without receiving PIP in the last year.
It is one year since the Tories pledged to review their rules on which terminally-ill people could claim Personal Independence Payment – and it seems more than 3,000 would-be PIP claimants had to die before they were forced to do it by a court ruling.
They died without receiving PIP, because they could not predict when they were likely to die.
This Site celebrated like many others when Lorraine Cox won her case demanding a judicial review of the rules that said only people with particular terminal illness could claim PIP – and only if they knew they would die within six months.
Now we discover that – if recent trends have continued – then 3,000 people died between the Tories pledging a review that seems not to have happened and the Tory defeat in the Cox case.
I asked what happened to those people while Ms Cox was fighting her case in court.
Well, now we know.
According to The Mirror:
DWP figures show 17,070 people died waiting for a Personal Independence Payment (PIP) decision in five previous years.
If that pattern repeated, more than 3,000 will have died in similar cases since the review launched last summer.
Charities have demanded change.
The Tories are saying the Covid-19 crisis delayed their review.
Source: DWP: 3,000 people ‘die waiting’ for terminally ill benefit reforms one year on – Mirror Online
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