Is Boris Johnson hoping we’ll forget bullying claims against Priti Patel? We won’t!

Priti smug as usual: but Ms Patel may have the smirk wiped off her face if the report into alleged bullying – by her – in three different government departments is published in full.
Downing Street is refusing to publish a full report into bullying claims against Priti Patel – and has postponed it until after the summer.
It is nearly a week since the Prime Minister’s office said he had decided he would not allow the full report to be seen by the public.
What does Johnson – let alone Patel – have to hide?
At the time, Boris Johnson’s spokesman refused to say whether the report would be published before Parliament went into recess. Well, that happened on Wednesday (July 23) so now we know the answer.
By now, you should know the story: Patel faces allegations of bullying while she was working in three different government departments – including the Home Office, where former Permanent Secretary Sir Phillip Rutnam says he was the victim of a “vicious and orchestrated” campaign against him.
He has launched legal proceedings against her for unfair dismissal, so it seems whatever Downing Street allows to be published may be answered in court.
The report has already been long-delayed by Mr Johnson – as was the so-called “Russia Report” which revealed that successive Tory governments including his own had avoided investigating interference in the UK’s democracy by Russia, while allowing oligarchs from that country to launder money here.
It has been claimed that the delay has been caused by a spat between Johnson and the senior civil servant carrying out the inquiry, Helen MacNamara.
He allegedly refused to publish it unless it cleared Ms Patel completely, while she was allegedly resisting this outcome.
Downing Street’s comment on July 20 suggests that Johnson now wants to publish those parts of the report that clear Ms Patel. It must be nice for her to think that parts of it do.
But the fact that it still hasn’t seen the light of day suggests that Ms MacNamara remains firmly opposed to any presentation that may distort the full facts of the matter.
But it seems she is being moved to another Whitehall department, suggesting that Johnson is getting her out of the way – in favour of a civil servant he can bully?
This Writer thinks this report is being subjected to political interference and the public should push for it to be published in full, including all findings – good or bad.
Source: Priti Patel ‘bullying’ report will not be published in full, Downing Street says – Mirror Online
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