Lower than sewage: liar Johnson is still making poorest NHS workers pay ‘immigrant surcharge’

Cleaning up: people who can least afford it are being charged for NHS treatment, despite being the ones who keep hospital beds clean and equipment available.
Could there be a better demonstration of what a detestable liar Boris Johnson is?
He said his government would end a £624 “surcharge” it demanded from immigrant NHS workers for their own healthcare treatment. He lied.
In fact, the charge has continued to be applied – to the poorest workers; those least able to afford it.
The fee is still levied on staff who take a different job within six months – lower-paid cleaners, porters and carers, especially those on the zero-hours contracts the Tories have been keen to force into the workplace.
Perhaps most damning of all is the fact that ministers have had to cheek to suggest that these staff – who are on the lowest pay possible – need an “incentive” to continue working.
Typical Tory thinking – Johnson reckons everybody is as lazy as he is!
In fact, people on low incomes – especially those on zero-hours contracts – already have an incentive to work. It’s called “survival”.
Apart from a tiny minority for whom a zero-hours contract works because it fits into their own lifestyle – people who already have enough money to live on – nobody would take up such a job if it wasn’t the best they could get.
Zero-hours jobs offer no sick pay or holiday pay; and the wages are the lowest employers can get away with offering.
And, of course, they are designed to facilitate termination on short notice.
So we see a situation in which Boris Johnson claimed he was ending an unfair charge on people who have worked tirelessly to save us all from Covid-19…
… when instead he was continuing to inflict it on the people who most deserved to have it lifted.
Remember when Nye Bevan said Tories were lower than vermin?
If he were around today, no doubt he would admit that he overpraised them.
I feel sure he would agree with me that Johnson is lower than sewage.
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