Thugs who don’t understand the rules are terrorising people over face masks

A face mask: these are mandatory in enclosed spaces in England – but some people are exempt from the rule and anybody trying to bully those people needs to be shown the error of their ways.
Look at this: a woman has received abuse for not wearing a mask while out in England – even though she is exempt.
The problem isn’t just that the abusers don’t understand the rules.
It’s that they don’t care.
They’re using Covid-19 restrictions to bully people – especially disabled people and their carers.
That’s the result of 10 years of unremitting government anti-disablist propaganda.
So not only do they think it is okay to abuse Louise Sharp, of Whitley Bay, for not wearing a mask when she needs to have her face clear to communicate with her autistic daughter; they think they are encouraged to do so.
Ms Sharp ended up having a panic attack and now she simply doesn’t have the confidence to go out.
That’s because of these abusers.
They don’t have the right to question her; it’s none of their business.
Shop staff do, along with others in authority in enclosed spaces – as long as they do it in a polite way that doesn’t assume wrongdoing.
And everyone needs to be aware that some people are exempt from wearing masks, and who those exemptions cover. In England, they are:
- Children under the age of 11.
- Those unable to put on or wear a face covering because of a physical or mental illness or disability.
- People for whom wearing or removing a face covering will cause severe distress.
- Anyone assisting someone who relies on lip reading to communicate.
This Writer is unlikely to be accosted by such bullies; if I were to go to places where the mask rule is in effect, I would wear one.
But if I saw someone being – call it what it is – attacked in that way, rest assured I would not walk by and let it happen.
I hope Vox Political readers everywhere would do the same.
Source: Whitley Bay mask-exempt woman urges ‘more understanding’ – BBC News
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Well written Mike. Mrs Jaffer is exempt, but she seldom goes out anyway. I bought her a mask that should be used for strimming and that suffices. An exemption card is downloadable from the Gov website for those that feel they need them.
Read the government said on it. People’s haven’t the right to ask them why they ain’t not wearing one it’s on gov website
My older sister and her husband are both exempt for health/disability reasons and have difficulty in wearing a mask, but have been told they can get a badge from the local hospital that says that they are exempt. I don’t know if they’ve managed to obtain the badges yet. My brother in law is 80 and has Emphysema, sister is registered disabled after suffering a brain haemorrhage 20+ yrs ago and is now 73.
Problem is that these knuckle-draggers have been “stoked up” by right-wing media and Tory Ministers and even an exemption card is a target like waving a red rag (or yellow star).
Tory hate targets have been innumerable but are never intelligently thought through as these easy targets are the result of “The Bravery of Being Out of Range” (see Roger Waters) but they don’t have the capacity to see the positives of having these groups in the UK.
Please forgive the “rant” but it has to be said of the Tory targets….
We need respect for Disabled and Elderly to give us the Comfort of knowing that we will be looked after if and when our time comes
We need hard working immigrants to Teach us proper work ethics and is proof that hard work pays
We need to Nurture our Youth as they will be taking care of us in the future
We need an effective opposition to Protect us from self-centred, greedy Tory policies
We even need the Tory Supporting CEO’s idiot nephews in our workplace to help us feel Competent
Well sais Mike, Ihave COPD and can`t wear a mask because I can`t breath with it on if any one said it to me they would be told in no unncertain terms where to go,I carry my excempt form and one for going on public transport.