Why is Israel’s latest bombing campaign against Gaza going unreported?
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Heavy damage: this is what Israel is doing to Gaza – and none of your elected representatives has anything to say about it.
I think we know the answer to the question in the headline but let’s establish the facts.
At the time the Morning Star article was published, Israel had been bombing Gaza for eight days, non-stop, in response to – Israeli authorities claimed – two missiles.
Civilian property – mark that: civilian property – has suffered heavy damage, according to the report.
In addition, Israel has forced Palestinian fishing boats out of the sea and cut off the only commercial route into the enclave, stopping crucial supplies of fuel, meaning the energy supply will have to be cut to around three or four hours per day.
This Writer is reminded of an attempt by a noted celebrity who is strongly in favour of Israel’s aggressively-Zionist policies of extermination against the Palestinian people, to paint Israel as the victim.
A commenter to This Site tells us she said, referring to the recent explosion in Beirut:
“As soon as Lebanon happened, I can imagine the types that were ready to say, ‘Israel’s on the border, did they, would they, could they?’ I’m very grateful that Hezbollah said they did it.”
Journalist : “Wait, what? It was an accident resulting from political fecklessness, Hezbollah isn’t even the largest party in the Lebanese parliament, and definitely nobody said they did it. She makes a noise as though we’ll just agree to differ……”
You see how it goes?
As mentioned before on This Site, violence by either side in a conflict is abhorrent. But it behooves the better-equipped antagonist to respond to outbursts from a weaker foe in moderation – and that simply isn’t happening.
Every day – if we know where to look – we can find accounts of atrocities carried out by the euphemistically-named Israel Defence Force.
But we don’t see these reports on our national news because anyone reporting them would instantly be labelled an anti-Semite by people like the celebrity mentioned above.
It’s time that changed.
Much of Twitter seems to agree with me – those on the right side of history, anyway:
Absolutely. The ongoing brutal treatment and collective punishment of the Palestinians in Gaza, has become a stain on the conscience of the world. And unless world powers stand up and act, there will be no end in sight for this heartbreaking tragedy.
— Matt Aldarab (@mattybach1) August 20, 2020
This thread shows what Palestine is being put through and why it is wrong:
This is terrible, awful
Has the UK Govt condemned it?
Has Labour condemned it?
Has this been properly covered anywhere in the mainstream media? https://t.co/G3BRuD1m49— Tom London (@TomLondon6) August 19, 2020
Renowned Jewish intellectual Professor Noam Chomsky just about sums it up perfectly, in response to your delusional comment. pic.twitter.com/CtSpaAWVNn
— Matt Aldarab (@mattybach1) August 20, 2020
And this response to the same tweet asks a question I think we’d all like to see answered:
It is truly disgraceful that the whole world knows what is happening in Gaza, yet politicians and world leaders are saying or doing absolutely nothing to stop the atrocities committed by Israel. Their silence and inaction makes them complicit in these crimes. Shame on them.
— Matt Aldarab (@mattybach1) August 20, 2020
It’s true. Who’s the foreign secretary now? Dominic Raab? Still? Oh well – where’s his condemnation of the Israeli government?
What about Keir Starmer? Does he really have nothing to say? Perhaps he’s too busy accusing Labour members of anti-Semitism for sharing a Vox Political post, or victimising people in some other way to get involved in the realities.
There’s only one way to get change, and that is to demand it – in a way that threatens the muttonheads in power.
Will you speak up for Gaza? Or are you afraid the nasty big boys (and girls) will call you a name?
Source: Electricity cut to three hours a day in Gaza as Israeli bombing continues for 8th day | Morning Star
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I daren’t comment on this for fear of being found anti-semitic!
You did, and probably have been :(
Me too now!