Elderly man’s health failed and he died after council sent his wife to a care home

When care isn’t so caring: one partner was taken into a home and the health of the other deteriorated until he died. Why didn’t the council consider this? Or was it just a financial consideration?
In these days of Covid-19, one might be forgiven for thinking this gentleman was worrying himself sick that his wife would catch the virus and die.
But it is also a recognised phenomenon that if a couple who have been together for many years are split up, most commonly because one of them dies, then the remaining partner’s health often suffers – possibly to death.
So This Writer is led to question why the Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead didn’t take this into account when it split up the couple in this story. Was it just a question of money – that it was cheaper to split this couple, and never mind of one of them died? And what happened to the house where the deceased gentleman had been living?
An elderly couple of 59 years were split up with little regard for their welfare by Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead, the Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman has found.
The couple were separated when the wife was discharged to a care home after leaving hospital.
The husband was left to live in the family home with the help of care workers, but quickly deteriorated.
He became very low, did not eat or drink properly and lost weight. He stopped going out and instead spent a lot of time in his bed.
When the family complained a few days later the council agreed to take more steps to help the man visit his wife, but he passed away just a few weeks after.
A report by the Ombudsman found the council did not do enough to consider the man’s situation when his wife left hospital, despite his family telling it he would suffer at home.
Windsor and Maidenhead Council has a history of ill-treating people. Back in 2018, it tried to get police to arrest homeless people under the Vagrancy Act so they wouldn’t be on the streets during the Royal Wedding.
Then it imposed a fine on aggressive or proactive begging, requests for money, leaving bedding and belongings in a public area and other behaviour associated with homelessness – totalling an unaffordable £1,000.
Needless to say, it is a Conservative-run authority.
Source: Elderly man suffers after council splits him from his wife
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Many elderly people become befuddled when reading the right wing rubbish like the sun dishrag. They are good people but the endless right wing rabid poison knocks their reason for a six. Shame that our society now cares only for the riches they steal from those that work for a living
Most will now but with aktion T4 they don’t now or
Will suggest that’s poppy cock yet under their noses
Many are dying it isn’t rocket science many of us are
Dying of neglect by our government who now that whot they do is causing harm oh they now this lowering the welfare bill even taking away your pension isn’t life strange that the peasants can’t comprehend that they are culling the stock many through benefits denial others by cuts in the welfare side but die we do