#BorisJohnson wants to dictate when – and WHETHER – #elections take place – as #VoxPolitical warned you

Dictator Johnson: you put him into 10 Downing Street. Now, like all fascists, he is taking steps to ensure that you can’t get him out again.
Remember last December when This Site warned the UK electorate that Boris Johnson’s manifesto said, “We will impose an indefinite Conservative government”?
It means he planned to stay in power just as long as he wanted to, with no election unless he felt like it.
And the UK electorate ignored the warning and voted for him in what may be the last democratic election to take place in this country.
Do you think that’s overstating the case?
If so, you haven’t been paying attention.
Johnson intends to repeal the Human Rights Act and end your access to the European Convention on Human Rights – including the right to vote in elections.
No, it’s not just about making sure asylum-seekers can’t use human rights as an excuse to stay in the UK when they shouldn’t.
The plan to let Johnson dictate when – or rather, if – we have elections is the second part of this. And it seems some people, in Parliament at least, can see what’s coming:
MPs looking into the issue say there should be no return to the days when the date of the next election was a matter for the government alone.
The Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Committee says that would give an unfair advantage to the party in power.
Under the Fixed-Term Parliaments Act, the next UK general election will be on Thursday, 2 May 2024 – but Mr Johnson is seeking the power to go to the country before that date if he wants to.
In fact, he isn’t. The FTP Act repealed all the other legislation on when elections take place, so getting rid of it wouldn’t be giving Johnson a choice on whether to have it sooner.
It would be giving him a choice on whether to have an election at all.
Source: Don’t give prime ministers the power to choose election date, say MPs – BBC News
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