#PoorBoris – UK citizens give what sympathy they can to PM ‘complaining about money’

Don’t cry, Mr Johnson: we all know it’s hard for you to feed yourself, your paramour and four of your six kids on a £150,000+ income, with your accommodation supported by the state. But we’re not sure you or anyone you know should be in charge of the nation’s economy if you can’t. It was Tories like you who said the economy was like a household budget, after all.
If you behave more like a performing monkey than a prime minister, you get what you deserve when you complain.
It seems the UK’s performing monkey – Boris Johnson – is complaining, as his fans in The Times explain:
On the personal front sources say Johnson is complaining about money. He is still supporting four out of his six children, has been through an expensive divorce and had his income drop by more than half as a result of fulfilling his lifetime ambition https://t.co/JGe3D91tOX
— The Times and The Sunday Times (@thetimes) September 19, 2020
The headline defies reason! Overburdened, underpaid and ‘misery on his face’!
Overburdened? This is the prime minister who has spent more time on holiday then any of his recent forerunners – possibly than all of them put together, if you average it out for a single year.
Underpaid? Let’s see how that plays out for our £150,000-a-year public servant in some of the comments from those he is supposed to serve:
People sometimes say social media is harsh and unforgiving, but to see it uniting in sympathy for our beloved PM, who has to buy his own food on only £150k a year, is heartwarming. pic.twitter.com/FCi4KVLW49
— James Doleman (@jamesdoleman) September 19, 2020
My personal favourite #PoorBoris quote from the current stories whizzing about the net;
"He also has to pay for food"
{shocked Pikachu face}
I mean, come on… Really?
— Rich Peall (@richpeall) September 19, 2020
#poorboris The man ultimately in charge of the economy can't find a way to feed a family on £150k a year.
— Durable Johnathan Randall (@MrJRan) September 19, 2020
Here‘s Phil Harrison: “This piece is jaw-droppingly offensive. a) He earns five times the national median wage at a time when millions are losing jobs. b) He’s already minted. c) He only looks after 4 of his 6 kids?! YOU WHAT?? Does he want a medal? He should be in court.”
Indeed. Johnson probably claims Child Benefit for the other two…
That feeling when you realise it was your party who capped child benefits at two children.#poorboris pic.twitter.com/EljEzF1rWE
— Pete Redfern (@mr_pete_redfern) September 19, 2020
Indeed. If Johnson had not wanted to support his children, one wonders how he came to have so many. Lost In The Shire has a thought about that: “I sometimes imagine his supporters think he slipped and accidentally impregnated a host of women and so that’s why he doesn’t need to pay to support or acknowledge all of his own children.”
Still, there’s a lot of good advice for him, such as this, from WeeHalfPint: “If we all clap, that should help him put food on the table, yeah?”
Queen Neferure has more practical help for him: “Hi @BorisJohnson I’m sorry to hear you are struggling on £150k. I get ESA, which for the over 25s is less than £4k per year. If you need any help with budgeting, do not hesitate to contact me or contact your local jobcentre, @CitizensAdvice or @StepChange for help.”
How about this?
Can someone please set up a go fund me page to help out our impoverished PM Johnson, struggling on just a six figure income + his side deals?
I would but I’m too busy grinding my teeth.#PoorBoris
— Was Once Loved (@WasOnceLoved) September 19, 2020
Alternatively, perhaps he could try taking advice from a fellow right-winger, as suggested here:
Hey @BorisJohnson problem solved 👇 #PoorBoris https://t.co/yhYaRKuT68
— Marie-Ann Detests Tories 🇺🇦 🇪🇺 🇬🇧 (@MarieAnnUK) September 19, 2020
Sara Anzani adds: “He should try living on £5.65 a day, like he and the rest of his government expect asylum seekers to.”
Of course, Johnson isn’t struggling to pay the bills on his own; he has a partner. These Novel Thoughts was prompted to make the following suggestion with this in mind: “Is Carrie working? If so, surely that’s another salary coming in. If not, why do they need a nanny? And given the fact that Johnson only works about a day a week, can’t he do some cleaning?”
As for the misery on his face. Well, The Times stated that being a performing monkey prime minister was his life’s ambition.
Perhaps he has discovered the truism that having is not so pleasing a thing, after all, as wanting.
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Lardy fascist dictator boris wants his cake and eat it at the same time! So will lardy fascist boris create a new law giving prime ministers the right to work in other jobs such as a part time fake journalist for the Daily Telegraph or The Times? Given work shirker lardy boris apparently worked at these fake media outlets.
There is never sufficient money for these greedy callous and cruel fascist tories! So lardy boris go get yourself a real job such as working on a building site. Then you’ll lose all those extra pounds and you’ll finally undertake some real work instead of spending 51 weeks of each year doing precisely nothing!
Hasn’t he already made £8 BILLION for winning the election from hedge fund managers?!!!!
Maybe I’ll send him a food parcel; The question is, should I include rice in??