Priti Patel is NOT a ‘people’ person. Travellers are her latest victims. Will you be next?

Last Updated: September 28, 2020By Tags: , , , , , , , , , ,

She thinks it’s all great fun: but whoever put the horns on this image of Priti Patel knew the truth of the matter.

We know the Home Secretary is a full-on, flat-out racist – she deports foreigners, she would deport UK citizens if the Windrush scandal had not happened, and now she has been caught stirring up racial hatred against travellers.

It’s very odd behaviour for a person whose own parents were immigrants into the UK

But here it is: she has been caught fabricating details of a police officer’s death in order to make travellers seem inherently criminal, as an ethnic group.

And she did it in a Zoom meeting with Jewish leaders – hosted by the Board of Deputies of British Jews, which is itself notorious for its zealousness in defending their own ethnic group from claims that it has any inherently unsavoury traits.

In this, the Board of Deputies is right. No ethnic group is inherently criminal – as an ethnic group.

Yet Ms Patel said she was

determined to stamp out the “criminality that takes place and that has happened through Traveller communities and unauthorised encampments”.

More than 80 leading academics, race equality organisations, and politicians have signed a letter to Patel, urging her to retract her “hate speech”.

One has to ask how she would describe herself – the daughter of refugees who came to the UK after facing persecution in Uganda.

Ah, but that would probably be too close to home.

She seems a perfect candidate for “unconscious bias” training.

Except, of course, she’s probably one of the 40 Conservative MPs who have refused it out of hand. It seems she – and they – have some kind of bias against it…

She is the secretary of state for the Home Department.

She is a racist, to our certain knowledge.

She may also be prejudiced against any number of other traits.

So the question you have to ask yourself, in a country where the Home Secretary is lining people up to be her targets, is:

When will she send people for me?

POSTSCRIPT: Mrs Mike was disgusted to hear about Patel’s behaviour, and asked a very reasonable question: why do we put up with this unacceptable behaviour, these unacceptable viewpoints, from people who are supposed to be our political leaders?

Mrs Mike thinks Priti Patel should be pulled out of Parliament by the ear and slung onto the street.

She cannot understand why nobody has actually used legally-enforcible means to do this.

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  1. G Millward September 28, 2020 at 7:05 pm - Reply

    I love Mrs Mike … she’s a girl after my own heart. 😁

  2. Jo Owen September 28, 2020 at 9:38 pm - Reply

    I think Mrs. Mike is onto something, perhaps Priti Awful should be made to walk through the streets followed by a very tall person dressed similar to a nun ringing a big bell and calling out “Shame, shame, shame” behind her. But for the love of all that is good, please make sure she’s NOT naked unlike Cersei Lannister lol

  3. Giritharan Arulampalam September 28, 2020 at 11:03 pm - Reply

    She may be known as “Priti” Patel. But, some of her methods are not very “priti”. They are in fact very ugly.

  4. Hecuba September 29, 2020 at 10:06 am - Reply

    Fascist Priti Patel is a tool of the fascist tories and she too will be ‘tossed aside’ once her usefulness to them is over! Go to root of the issue which is the fascist tories in political power are all racist and hate women and other so-called groups who are not white, male and supposedly ‘English!’ The fact little england has a lardy fascist dictator named johnson in power means little england is now a rabid racist xenophobic failed country.

    The men in political power are all criminals who enact their belief that laws only apply to us peasants not them! So Patel is not the only fascist tory criminal – she is a pawn and the real criminals hide behind her!

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