The UK’s criminal government is authorising undercover cops to commit sex crimes – and Starmer is supporting it

Keir Starmer: in abstaining on the Bill to give government agents carte blanche to commit crimes including murder, torture and rape, he is supporting the commission of those crimes. The perpetrators will be protected from prosecution by the law.
In one sense, it was only to be expected: a criminal government authorises its enforcers to commit criminal acts.
So the Johnson government – an international criminal due to the Internal Market Bill that is currently going through the House of Lords like a dose of salts – is authorising its spies to commit crimes as part of their duties.
These crimes include murder, torture, and sexual offences:
According to the BBC,
the legislation would explicitly authorise MI5, the police, the National Crime Agency and other agencies that use informants or undercover agents to commit a specific crime as part of an operation.
Security officials will not say which crimes are authorised, on grounds that this may give away the identities of undercover agents to terrorists and other serious criminals.
So the sky is the limit and the legislation offers the UK’s secret police a licence to do anything they like, to anybody.
Yes, the legislation does require MI5 officers and others to show the crime is “necessary and proportionate”, but what happens when they encounter what’s known as “mission creep”?
The definition of “necessary and proportionate” will stretch over time to encompass anything, laying it open to corruption – and agents may find themselves committing ever-more-extreme crimes because they are told to do so on the spur of a moment.
Home Office minister James Brokenshire said the legislation would “help keep our country safe”, but he did not elaborate on whose country he meant, or who it would be kept safe from.
Both Labour and Conservative MPs have expressed opposition to the Bill as it currently stands, saying the safeguards were “very vague and very broad” and must be strengthened.
But Labour’s leadership said it would not oppose the Covert Human Intelligence Sources (Criminal Conduct) Bill at its second reading on October 5.
This has led to further claims that current Labour leader Keir Starmer is nothing more than a closet Conservative, forcing party members to accept acts that are directly opposed to their principles as he supports the Johnson government time and time again – and his MPs support him.
Only 20 Labour MPs defied his order to abstain on the Bill’s second reading, including former leader Jeremy Corbyn and former shadow chancellor John McDonnell, and others including Ian Lavery, who tweeted this:
I voted against the Covert Human Intelligence Sources Bill tonight. This was the correct course of action.
I simply could not support
legislation that would allow #spycops to murder, torture and use sexual violence without fear of any legal accountability.— Ian Lavery MP (@IanLaveryMP) October 5, 2020
Note the hashtag #spycops – others include #LabStainers and #NoOpposition, with #StarmerOut being the most popular (although it is also infested with supporters of ‘Sir Keith’ who are trying to stifle the views of the majority).
Here are a few examples of the #StarmerOut tweets, to show the strength of feeling about this:
Mass kidnappings, torture & assassinations all without any comeback now the rule of law in 3rd world, nonentity Torydom.
Every so called "British value" disappeared on the 5/10/20.— Carole Hawkins (@hawkins_carole) October 6, 2020
This is not the Labour party, it's sham. This is not what I voted for in 2019. I voted for an opposition to stances that are morally and ethinically wrong. I voted for human rights, workers rights. I voted for equality, social justice.
— sabrexine (@sabrexine) October 6, 2020
Any Labour leader that throws their party's principles under the bus might as well get in the Tories red double-decker, to save fuel as they're both travelling in the same direction. #StarmerOut
— Elaine Dyson #FreePalestine #Corbyn 💙 (@ElaineDyson1) October 6, 2020
#StarmerOut The Labour party & the public deserve better. During the COVID-19 crisis & with Brexit just a couple of months away, we need a strong opposition against the Tory gov. Labour must stop whipping its MPs to abstain on bills that leave sh*tstains on human rights.
— Elaine Dyson #FreePalestine #Corbyn 💙 (@ElaineDyson1) October 6, 2020
Supporters of Starmer say he is acting strategically in order to demonstrate that Johnson and his ministers have nobody to blame for their mistakes but themselves. This is a trap for Labour.
Having abstained from voting on this Bill, Starmer and his followers in the Labour Party have said they accept the necessity of agents of the Financial Conduct Authority committing rape (to put forward an extreme example).
Are their supporters seriously trying to tell us this won’t come back and bite them?
There is only one reasonable response to legislation that authorises government agents to commit crimes – especially extreme crimes such as those contemplated here, and that is opposition.
But opposition is not in Keir Starmer’s vocabulary.
Let’s have a leadership challenge. He has to go.
And if he isn’t ousted this time, let’s have another challenge, and another, until he is. He has turned Labour into a travesty.
Source: MPs back bill to authorise MI5 and police crimes – BBC News
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