Facebook HAS been filtering out left-wing news. Is it time to check your settings?

Facebook: presumably, all the silhouetted people here have been cut off from the left-wing news-related articles they wanted to read and are wandering aimlessly in search of them. Isn’t it time this interference was ended?
The social media platform Facebook has confirmed that it knowingly changed its news algorithms to filter out sites like Vox Political from your feeds.
The claim is that this was in response to pressure from right-wingers who claimed that they were being victimised.
Two wrongs don’t make a right, Mark Zuckerberg.
This lopsided treatment appears to have continued: SKWAWKBOX readers have reported posts they have shared disappearing from their newsfeeds, ‘see first’ settings disappearing in spite of repeated attempts to prioritise the page’s updates and other anomalies when they try to view or share news.
If you get your links to articles by This Site, or Skwawkbox, or The Canary, or any of the other left-wing sites via Facebook, it seems now would be a good time to check that the system hasn’t messed with your preference settings.
Alternatively, why not cut out the middle man altogether?
In the right-hand column of this page (if you’re using a computer) there’s a section marked “SUBSCRIBE VIA EMAIL”. It’s easy to use and won’t take more than a minute of your time.
Then you can be sure of receiving the articles you want to see. Isn’t that better than letting some faceless Facebook fascist separate you from what you want to see?
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Got it in one Mike – ‘cut out the middle man’. I detest FB and would rather spend extra time checking out yours and several other sources than add to the Zuckerberg and Clegg coffers.
Thank you! Please spread the word!
The toerags are incharge been like it for a darn long time like the bbc itv only good Tory lies
I have always used subscribe via e mail in order to receive your excellent articles into my inbox, that way I exert control over what I read rather than some skewed algorithms deciding.
Facebook sucks!
Mike, I always get your Facebook posts first before any others.
Mike, I also enjoy receiving your insightful articles by email.
What seems a bit ironic to me is that on this article there are two big ads of how we can block annoying ads. I have not made use of them as I am concerned for your revenue. It’s the first time I have seen this option, but surely they aren’t helpful either?
Google Adsense serves adverts according to what it perceives as the interests of the reader and I can’t help what appears on your screen. Because it is an automated process, I’ve been informed of a few howlers and this is one more to add to the list. And no, I’m not going to mention any of the others because they might cause severe embarrassment to other readers!