DWP disabled sanctions extension shows great tragedy is due to timing, too

Habitual cruelty: if you thought the Tories stopped persecuting people with long-term illnesses and disabilities during the Covid-19 crisis, think again.
The Department for Work and Pensions has employed its usual subtlety and tact – and has extended benefit sanctions against people with disabilities in time for the new English lockdown.
People with long-term illnesses and/or disabilities who fail to take part in telephone work capability assessments are now to be sanctioned. The change was brought in on November 2, days before the new lockdown began.
The change has been attacked by mental health charity Mind as an “abandonment of their responsibility to keep people safe”.
Mind’s Ayaz Manji said:
We need to see a compassionate response to this pandemic.
That has to mean removing benefit sanctions and cancelling reassessments for disability benefits so that people with mental health problems don’t face the prospect of going without income this winter.
Sadly, we are not going to see any compassion from the Department for Work and Pensions while it is under Tory control.
The Department has said nobody will be sanctioned without being contacted first – which raises interesting questions if assessors can’t even phone up a claimant properly:
People will be contacted to ask them to explain why they did not, or could not attend or participate in the assessment and where good cause is provided and accepted, support will continue.
We don’t want to sanction anyone and our absolute priority is to ensure people continue to receive the support they are entitled to.
We will contact anyone who hasn’t engaged in a telephone appointment and their support will absolutely continue if they have a good reason for not attending or participating.
We’ve heard it all before. Expect a slew of articles about the DWP failing to follow this simple routine.
Source: DWP extends benefit sanctions against disabled people just as new lockdown begins – Mirror Online
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Aktion t4 rolling along without much of a ado on it goes death by benefits denial RTU IDs the devil is proud of his son
Fascist tory DWP war on disabled women and men continues to escalate!! DWP absolve themselves of any accountability by claiming this: ‘People will be contacted to ask them to explain why they did not, or could not attend or participate in the assessment and where good cause is provided and accepted, support will continue.
We don’t want to sanction anyone and our absolute priority is to ensure people continue to receive the support they are entitled to.
We will contact anyone who hasn’t engaged in a telephone appointment and their support will absolutely continue if they have a good reason for not attending or participating.’
This is fascist tory code for we the fascist tories and our puppets at the DWP will continue to persecute disabled women and men because all peasants must work until they die – no excuses/justifications accepted!
Even if the claimant has died from the coronavirus this will not be seen as an acceptable reason by the puppet fascist DWP workers – because obviously the claimant will have faked their death!
And this is another method of ‘fascist tories ridding themselves of “disposable non valued disabled women and men.’ He’s disabled so he can hand over his essential feeding tubes to the NHS so they can give them to patients who are of value to the fascist tory machine!
“We will contact anyone who hasn’t engaged in a telephone appointment “……what about those who can’t use the telephone such as stroke survivors like myself?