Doormat Dave: Labour pen-pusher wants the Party to stand for NOTHING, to avoid offending anybody at all

Doormats: Keir Starmer (left) and his right-wing ACTING general secretary David Evans, want Labour members to have no opinions or policies, for fear of upsetting anybody at all.
Once upon a time, the Labour Party had a mission. It stood for something. Under Keir Starmer and David Evans, those days are gone.
These two muppets are demanding that party members suppress all their political opinions – under pain of suspension or expulsion, let’s not forget – in order to avoid offending literally anybody at all, in any way.
They seem to have lost their way – badly.
As a party of Opposition, it is Labour’s duty to cause offence – at least to the policies of the Conservative government that they have been elected to fight.
They can’t lay out the grounds of any opposition without potentially offending people who disagree on fundamental ideological grounds.
Ah, but there’s the rub.
Starmer and Evans don’t actually have an ideology. Their only interest is in gaining power for its own sake.
As I have stated before, they are like the weathercocks in Tony Benn’s famous speech about “signposts and weathercocks”. To paraphrase: some politicians are like signposts – they point in a certain direction and you always know what they stand for; others are like weathercocks – they blow with the wind, changing their minds with the weather in a vain attempt to pick up public support by trying to attach themselves to whatever is fashionable at the time.
That’s Starmer for you, and Evans. They go any way the wind blows. In the words of a famous song that features those words, nothing really matters to them.
I’ve recorded a short video blog about it which you’ll probably enjoy. Here it is:
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Stammer the spammer just another Tory in a red tie. Sooner his lot are gone the better it be for the peasants
I sincerely hope that Starmer resigns, and resigns soon!
As I’ve always said, right-wingers are notoriously inward looking, self absorbed and don’t seem to have the ability of forming a novel idea due to lack of empathy and understanding / tolerance of others.
Hence the stagnation in both parties – they no longer have Corbyn & McDonnell’s ideas to steal from and call them their own.
Hence the new Corbyn Foundation….