Jacob Rees Mogg attacks Unicef for feeding the children he has forced to starvation

Jacob Rees-Mogg, making a gesture that well defines him. He’s currently all upset that the failings of his Tory government have prompted Unicef to come to the UK and feed our starving children. It’s a job that the Tory government should have done but couldn’t be bothered to.
Where to start with the latest atrocity from this atrocious Tory?
Yesterday we learned that UNICEF, the United Nations Children’s Fund that provides humanitarian and developmental aid to children across the world, is having to help feed hungry kids in the UK for the first time since it was formed in 1946.
The non-political UN charity is providing £25,000 to two charities – Food School Matters and Food Power – who will partner with Premier Foods and local authorities to help provide breakfast boxes to 1,800 children in south London.
It seems clear that this move has been prompted by the Covid-19 pandemic and the weak response of Boris Johnson’s Tory government.
UNICEF UK spokesperson Anna Kettley told Sky News, “This is an unprecedented situation which requires everyone to roll their sleeves up, step in and support children and families that need it most at this time.”
This is happening because Johnson’s government told millions of parents they had to stop working because of the virus. In doing so, the Tories took responsibility for the well-being of those families – and threw it away.
Instead of ensuring that parents were fully compensated for their lost wages, Rishi Sunak devised a series of schemes that provided only a fraction of what was needed – to only a fraction of the people who needed them.
Now, at what is traditionally the hardest part of the year for many people, the UN’s children’s charity has had to announce that it is stepping in to help.
And how did the Tories greet this timely aid – which will help them as well as the families who will benefit directly, by preventing a human disaster driven by poverty in the world’s fifth-wealthiest country?
Jacob Rees-Mogg condemned it as a political stunt.
He said,
“It’s a real scandal that Unicef should be playing politics in this way when it is meant to be looking after people in the poorest and most deprived countries in the world, where people are starving, where there are famines and there are civil wars – and they make cheap political points of this kind, giving, I think, £25,000 to one council.
“It is a political stunt of the lowest order.”
He added: “Unicef should be ashamed of itself.”
Perhaps I should spend the rest of this article discussing the ingratitude of spoilt little rich boys.
Rees-Mogg has never suffered poverty and does not understand what it is like to be forced into starvation by the actions of others who have power over him. It is unlikely he ever will.
It does not follow that this means he cannot understand the responsibility of those who have power over other people to ensure that they do not harm those others in the exercise of that power. Other rich people have understood this necessity and acted on it.
It just seems that Rees-Mogg – and many others in the Johnson government – aren’t bright enough to understand that they do have a duty of care for people if they’re going to deny them the chance to earn a living for themselves.
This failure of intelligence has extended to the point that they cannot even understand – or at least, that’s what their behaviour suggests – that by stepping in, Unicef is helping the Tories out of a hole that they dug for themselves.
If children were to starve to death over this Christmas period, Rees-Mogg and his brethren would be blamed. And the public may be notoriously fickle but they don’t forget when a politician’s choices kill their families.
So he should be grateful.
Perhaps he just doesn’t like that fact that, rich as he is personally, he needed help from a charity.
Source: Jacob Rees Mogg says Unicef should be ‘ashamed’ for feeding Britain’s hungry kids – Mirror Online
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“Unicef should not be ashamed of itself, the Tory Government should be”
Just the fact that these charities need to exist is reason enough to condemn Government policy as it highlights the inequalities and needs existing within society.
RTU IDs has brought a monster to the peasants his universal credit is a stick to beat the peasants with it leaves many without but will they go back to the social security system nah it’s all part of aktion t4 culling the stock through benefits denial once long ago a Christian said suffer little children to come unto me this lot are starving families through their Christian ways has they tell you they are ho ho ho
Being a pious hypocrite doesn’t worry Mogg as long as his money keeps rolling in.
I wonder if he would be so upset if it was a Tory council that had accepted help (not that they would bother). This is only political to him since Southwark, which I believe is the council involved, has not a single Tory.
Typical response from a fascist callous tory named Rees-Hogg! Poverty is a political issue because the fascist tory boys have deliberately forced innumerable families and their children into poverty. Still never mind fascist Rees-Hogg and his children won’t starve because he ensures he doesn’t pay any taxes and his innumerable financial interests also ensure his greed for profits isn’t dented!
Shameful little england – we are now a failed state and have to resort to UNICEF providing food because the fascist tory government believes government means maintaining corporate business interests not – work for the people who elected these fascist morons!
Not forgetting the whole cabal of fascist tory boys are all criminals giving ‘back handers’ to their cronies!
Well put, Mike, excellent points.
So lord snooty of the 18th Century a very rich arrogant man wants to lecture us oiks in how wonderful life is under their rule of the Tory slimeballs.
Plus how we should all be grateful for the amazing opportunities to be exploited by him and his friends?
In reality, these arrogant morons are nothing to lecture anyone about with there towering egotism they honestly believe their own lies and deceptions. Their tiny minds can’t comprehend reality..