Sunak’s daft ‘Eat Out to Die Out’ caused one in six Covid OUTBREAKS, study finds

Rishi Sunak: his plan to get people eating out over the summer by offering discounts on meals should have been called Eat Out to DIE Out.
He didn’t even help hospitality businesses very much, either.
Tory Chancellor Rishi Sunak made certain that thousands more people caught Covid-19 than would otherwise have done so, with his Eat Out to Help Out scheme.
Research by the University of Warwick has shown that the initiative is likely to blame for 17 per cent of infections – one in six outbreaks – between August and early September (when it was overtaken by outbreaks linked to schools that had reopened at Boris Johnson and Dominic Raab’s insistence, we may conclude).
Even the Daily Mail has turned on the Tories over this one:
Although people had to socially distance in restaurants where the deal was offered, the virus is known to spread more easily indoors and thrives particularly in enclosed spaces.
Many people met people from other households for dinner and also used public transport to get to and from the restaurants, driving up the risk of transmission.
Research from the university suggested that between eight and 17 per cent of newly detected infection clusters could be linked to the scheme.
Areas where there was a high uptake of Eat Out to Help Out also saw a decline in new infections a week after the scheme drew to a close.
People will have died from catching the virus after taking part in Sunak’s crackpot plan.
But nobody has been asking him any hard questions!
Isn’t it time these Tories took responsibility for the fatal consequences of their decisions and left public life for good, under a cloud of shame?
Source: Eat Out to Help Out to blame for 1 in 6 new coronavirus infections | Daily Mail Online
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Surprise! Having visited our local hospital twice, and seen the nurses, doctors and other staff walking and sitting, wearing the standard NHS blue mask, which was made for theatre staff to avoid their being hit with bits of bone and blood while operating – and is not virus proof, I am not suprised. The most dangerus place, walking along a hospital corridor, which is full of virus.
Sadly, it didn’t stop people from going out to dinner and mixing with people from other households. I always say to my colleagues, “don’t forget, we all live with other people.” Needless to say, neither my mother, nor I took advantage of this deal. It simply wasn’t worth the risk, particularly given the infection rate and death toll at the time. The epidemic was far from over and it just didn’t make sense to be frequenting public places, unnecessarily, for prologued periods of time, when you couldn’t protect yourself, as you can’t, while you’re eating.
i’m sorry for all of those people who got sick but let us all learn from this and not make the same mistakes. This virus doesn’t care so, we have to.
Stay safe, everybody.