Employers need to plan for the future. Why is the ‘party of business’ denying them this security?

Ditherer: Rishi Sunak doesn’t know how to safeguard businesses and the UK economy, or link its well-being with public health because the neoliberal dogma he learned does not accommodate phenomena like the Covid-19 pandemic.
Covid-19-related support packages for businesses are set to end soon, with no extension or replacement announced – signifying a £50 billion loss to the UK’s economy.
According to Tory plans the furlough scheme, rates holidays, tax deferrals, VAT cuts and other support packages will be closed at the end of the financial year.
But businesses are now expecting to be closed well into the spring and possibly beyond.
Tory Chancellor Rishi Sunak is not likely to announce his plans for the future of the economy until he makes his spring Budget statement on March 3 – too late for many firms, whose bosses will have to make decisions based on information currently available to them before that, if they are to be seen to be acting with responsibility to their shareholders, creditors and even employees.
Labour has demanded immediate action and, for once, Keir Starmer’s party is right.
Shadow business minister Lucy Powell also touched a raw nerve when she said Boris Johnson’s Tory government had failed to ensure that business support was integrated with public health measures.
As a result, the UK’s Covid-related recession had been the worst of any major economy.
And the longer Sunak dithers, the worst the situation will become.
Source: Businesses facing £50bn ‘bombshell’ as Covid support withdrawn, warns Labour | The Independent
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Dither, dither excuses then more excuses this is the so-called Party of business well anyone see any sign they have a blinking clue?
I am tired at the excuses and the arrogant dissimials of the Tory scum they have not a clue how there BS effects ordinary people. It’s just sad to see so many people were fooled by there lies and now learning the hard way that Torys only care about the 1% and them. No one else!!!