£2.7m TV studio shows Johnson hasn’t only been wasting cash on Covid-19

Press briefing: Johnson spent millions of pounds of your money on a TV studio he hasn’t used once, despite an apparently endless succession of press briefings and ministerial broadcasts.
Sometimes the news is focused so heavily on the Coronavirus that it’s easy to forget that Boris Johnson’s government is incompetent in every other way, too.
Case in point: he spent £2.7 million on a television studio that has never been used.
Worse, there are doubts that it ever will be, as attitudes have changed since your money was used to pay for it.
I’d say the money could have been spent on personal protective equipment but I am reminded that Johnson’s government has spent £15 billion on PPE – and then lost the lot.
This is incompetence on a historic scale.
The TV studio was part of Johnson’s infatuation with the presidential system in the United States:
The room is believed to have been modelled on the press room in the West Wing at the White House in Washington.
It was intended to be used for on-camera briefings from press secretaries and ministers.
The plans for the briefings had to be delayed due to coronavirus lockdown restrictions preventing journalists from gathering.
But with the plans on hold, it isn’t clear when they may be back on the table.
They may never be revived. This studio – worth a fortune – may remain unused for years to come, until somebody remembers it and finds a better use for the space.
In the meantime it stands as a metaphor for the contents of our prime minister’s skull:
Dark and empty.
Source: Boris Johnson ‘spent £2,700,000 on a TV studio which hasn’t been used’ | Metro News
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