Matt Hancock is gaslighting not only nurses, but ALL of us, over PPE

Smug little liar: when Matt Hancock opens his mouth to make a claim,experience shows it will probably be wrong.
Our nurses are right and Matt Hancock is a liar. He would resign if he had an ounce of integrity but of course he doesn’t, so he won’t.
He has said he would not resign after a High Court judge ruled he was responsible for unlawful delays in revealing how billions of pounds were spent on gowns, masks and other protective equipment at the height of the Covid-19 pandemic.
He told Sky News’s Sophy Ridge: “My officials, with my full support, spent every waking hour buying PPE so that, even though we came close, we never actually ran out of PPE in this country.
“People can make up their own view about whether I should have told my team to stop buying PPE or whether I was right to buy the PPE and get it to the front line.
“And they did that even though the paperwork got delayed by, on average, just over a fortnight.”
Nurses don’t have to make up their own minds. They have the facts. They have experienced the deaths of their colleagues, who were exposed to Covid-19 needlessly because Hancock did not supply them with PPE.
In fact, as I stated earlier, not only did the Johnson government give away the PPE it had, it later wasted millions – if not billions – giving contracts to useless Tory cronies who either couldn’t supply the goods or provided equipment that could not be used.
That will be the buying that Hancock mentioned to Ms Ridge, then?
I also mentioned the fact that nurses caught the virus because they didn’t have proper PPE:
“According to Metro,
Three nurses who wore bin bags on their shifts due to a shortage in personal protective equipment (PPE) have reportedly tested positive for coronavirus.
Just weeks ago, the nurses had shared a photo of themselves with clinical waste bags on their heads and feet as they issued a plea for proper masks, gowns and gloves at Northwick Park Hospital, in Harrow.
“I wrote: ‘One of them had said they were all “terrified” that this might happen, knowing that colleagues had caught the disease from patients, and having treated those colleagues. They had seen what the illness does… We know what the government that failed them is going to give them: Platitudes.’
“How right I was.”
Now, responding to Hancock’s comments, community nurse Angela Roberts recalled the incident when she asked:
Why were nurses forced to use bloody bin bags? Out-of-date masks?
She continued:
Why was PPE downgraded for NHS staff?
‘Why was there no PPE for care homes and community nurses except for plastic pinnies?
And Anthony Johnson, lead organiser for Nurses United, said:
He thinks that he can try to gaslight millions of health and social care workers who had to re-use PPE.
If so, he thinks wrong.
But what difference will it make if there are no consequences for his actions?
Source: Hancock is gaslighting us over PPE, say nurses | Metro
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