Supreme Court got it wrong, say voters: Shamima Begum SHOULD come to the UK [POLL RESULT]

Justice: before anyone comments, I know that UK courts don’t use the gavel. This is for illustrative purposes – although it sesems people believe the courts now exist to give ordinary people a hammering.
Voters in a Vox Political poll have overwhelmingly condemned a Supreme Court decision to deny Shamima Begum entry to the UK to defend her citizenship, quoting national security concerns.
At the time of writing, 64 per cent of voters (583 votes) said the Supreme Court has not treated Ms Begum fairly. Just 36 per cent (329 votes) supported the decision.
The issue has provoked huge debate on the social media, with more than 440 comments on This Site’s Facebook page alone.
Many commenters on Facebook have suggested that, as she was 15 when she left the UK to join the so-called IS caliphate, Ms Begum was not old enough to be considered responsible (although others have pointed out that environmental campaigner Greta Thunberg was the same age when she started campaigning publicly, and nobody says the same about her).
Many commenters have suggested that Ms Begum was “groomed” by adult male supporters of IS – manipulated into travelling to the Middle East to become a child bride and bear children for a terrorist – and that this should be discussed in court, in order to root out any terrorist supporters who remain here in the UK.
Others have stated that the authorities let her down by allowing her to leave the UK unaccompanied by an adult.
It had been argued that Ms Begum’s right to a fair hearing, in her bid to have her revoked UK citizenship restored, would be harmed if she was forced to conduct her case from the north Syria camp where she is currently living.
But the Supreme Court said this right does not overrule the government’s obligation to national security. Its judges accepted that she is a threat to national security and that she should not be allowed back into the UK.
The result of the Vox Political vote – which is admittedly unscientific – suggests a groundswell of distrust in the courts by the people of the UK.
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I disagree with the pollsters. It will be a deterrent for those who might take the same course and it keeps potential terrorists off our streets. She’d be regarded as a hero in some circles (a potential recruiting sergeant).
Posted this on a similar thread on Facebook. Apologies if the links are not appropriate Mike, or if they don’t work but the reports can be easily found on Google
I wonder what the difference between Begum and the unnamed white neo nazi who was spared prison earlier this year? “Youngest British terrorist sentenced for neo-Nazi manuals stash | The Crown Prosecution Service”…/youngest-british-terrorist…
Or between Begum and the more than 400 male Jihadi fighters who have been permitted to return to the UK? “More than 400 British Isis jihadis have already returned to UK, report warns | The Independent | The Independent”…/isis-british-jihadis…
Sorry, this case reeks of double standards, and the people here agreeing with the decision should educate themselves on what it really means, and what is really going on (using a well known individual in this way as a cynical “dead cat” move)
‘The security services have safely managed the returns of hundreds of people from Syria, but the Government has chosen to target Shamima Begum. This approach does not serve justice, it’s a cynical distraction from a failed counter-terror strategy and another example of this Government’s disregard for access to justice and the rule of law.’
Indeed and beware those living in little england with dual nationality because the fascist tories will have no hesitation in deporting you if they decide you are a threat!
Also what about those adult male british citizens who left little england to fight for ISIS and then some years later returned to the UK? They have not had their British citizenship removed!
Fascist tories demonising a young woman who was a child when the male terrorists indoctrinated her.
Also Environmental campaigner Greta Thunberg has not supposedly committed any crime and she has not been deemed a female terrorist!’ A false comparison is being made as regards Ms. Begum and Ms. Thunberg.
The comparison is about whether they can be considered to have known what they were doing when they were 15 years old. Nobody doubts that Ms Thunberg knew exactly what she was doing, so why should anybody doubt that Ms Begum did? That is the argument, anyway.