#PoliceBill attack on travellers is another step on Johnson’s journey to Hitlerian Nazism

Travellers: this is a council-run traveller site, so it looks orderly enough. But a proposed law means that even here the police could confiscate travellers’ homes, if officers don’t like the look of them.
Roma (or Romani); travellers; gypsies; diddycai; tinkers if you like. There are plenty of words for these almost universally maligned people.
They have a bad reputation because some of them are trespassers who will camp on any land, whether it is privately-owned or common, some of them are dirty and will leave their campsites filthy with litter, and some of them are prone to criminal behaviour.
In 1930s Germany, Hitler ramped up already-existing anti-gypsy laws to establish the pre-supposition that they were a “nuisance”, that they were criminal by their nature (so it follows that the authorities were allowed to assume they were criminals without them actually having to commit a crime), and that they should be moved on from encampments that were considered to cause a disturbance to the rest of the German population (in Hitler’s Germany, they were moved on into concentration camps where they were murdered in a holocaust that was every bit as brutal as the attempted genocide of the Jews).
Boris Johnson has been stealing policies from Hitler, it seems. Just take a look at his plans for travellers, as written into the new Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill that has just won its first major vote in the House of Commons. Here’s Ian Dunt to explain it to you:
Quick thread on an aspect of the policing bill which has been under-discussed: the provisions on trespass. This section targets Gypsies and Travellers.
— Ian Dunt (@IanDunt) March 15, 2021
It's in Part 4 of the bill, which amends Part 5 of the Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994. Both relevant sections here:https://t.co/mqhQM2A10Fhttps://t.co/RoeLvt0pga
— Ian Dunt (@IanDunt) March 15, 2021
Previously, police could take action against Gypsies and Travellers if they had done something wrong. They had to have "caused damage to the land or to property on the land or used threatening, abusive or insulting words".
— Ian Dunt (@IanDunt) March 15, 2021
And they do not need to have done anything at all. The police officer just needs to suspect that significant damage or disruption "is likely to be caused".
— Ian Dunt (@IanDunt) March 15, 2021
There. Police only need to assume that, because a traveller is there, they are likely to engage in criminal activity, and they can then treat that traveller as if they had been seen to commit such an act (even though they haven’t).
In other words: You do not actually need to have done anything. All that is required is that the police *suspect* you will do something.
— Ian Dunt (@IanDunt) March 15, 2021
It’s like “pre-crime”, as described in the movie Minority Report, which turns the law on its head, allowing people to be arrested on the basis of predictions that they will commit crime. In the film, these predictions were not necessarily accurate. In this law, there isn’t even a requirement to be.
So on the basis of a suspicion that a Gypsy or Traveller might in future insult someone, they can take away all their belongings.
— Ian Dunt (@IanDunt) March 15, 2021
To recap: on sight of a traveller, the police may confiscate everything they own. And what will happen to them then? An arrest for vagrancy?
Sure, they can challenge. They can get their day in court. But at that moment when the police officer arrives, they can take everything from them if they do not comply with their demand that they leave.
— Ian Dunt (@IanDunt) March 15, 2021
This bill is massive. Hundreds of pages. And everywhere you look you find draconian powers, handed to police, to do as they damn well please, targeting the most vulnerable and marginalised people in the country.
— Ian Dunt (@IanDunt) March 15, 2021
It sets innocent people up to be criminalised because of who they are, which is a well-recognised form of prejudice. Suppose Johnson targeted Jews. It would be an attack on these people because of who they are, not what they do. That is what we have here.
It isn’t quite racism, and it can’t be anti-Semitism, but the lesson of Hitler tells us it is just as bad.
Oh, and by the way, illegal traveller encampments could have been made a thing of the past if only local authorities had obeyed a 1968 law (the commenter below was adrift by a few years) that ordered them to provide standing sites for travellers to camp:
Back in the 1970's laws were passed where every council had to provide sites for travellers. This law was ignored by majority of Tory led councils – Petty Patel seems totally unaware of this law – the councils are the criminals for not providing the sites. https://t.co/gw6ImwL7Ly
— Carole Hawkins (@hawkins_carole) March 16, 2021
The Caravan Sites Act of 1968 led to the creation of 400 sites, but was ignored by many local authorities. I recall Powys County Council dragging its heels over demands for such sites within the last 10 years.
By breaking the law, council leaders (many of whom, I have no doubt, are Conservatives) made it possible for the current Conservative government to create the current legislation that demands that they be treated as criminals for no reason at all.
The Bill is sponsored by Priti Patel, who is already running concentration camps for refugees from foreign countries.
Where do you think she’ll open her first concentration camp for travellers? And what will they do next?
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What will the fascist tories do next? They’ve already said they intend to deport Refugees and Asylum seekers to Gibraltar, Isle of man, or even Turkey because how dare refugees attempt to claim asylum in fascist little england!
The fascist tories are persecuting disabled women and men, impoverished women and their families, unemployed women and men, Roma women and men, travellers, anyone who attempts to protest against the fascist tories so who next is on their list?
I’ve no doubt the fascist tories will attempt to remove any woman’s or man’s UK citizenship if in the fascist tory view said individual has attempted to commit a criminal act!!
Patel’s persecution of ‘non-humans’ is not happening because she just decided to act rather the orders are coming from the top – namely little fascist dictator dick johnson and his fascist tory male handlers. Patel is a puppet and once she has done all the fascist tories’ work she too will be discarded because she is another ‘non-human!’
Well done fascist tories – persecuting and demonising so many groups who aren’t white male and fascist tory billionaires!
Be afraid stupid women and men – be very afraid because very soon this will happen to you! ‘Police only need to assume that, because a woman/man is likely to engage in criminal activity they can then treat them as if they had already committed a crime – even though they haven’t!’
And meanwhile stupid women and men will be cheering the fascist tories and especially their leader fascist little dick johnson!
This is fascism – blatant fascism and still stupid women and men refuse to see what is happening.
Hitler treated travellers as though they werent’ really human, the same for the jews. Any tyrant who discriminates against any minority or marginalised people, such as Jews or Travellers, is nothing more than a nazi fascist. The rule that someone is innocent until proven guilty applies to Johnsons and Petty Patel, regardless of their desirability as neighbours should be applied to all humans, not just the ones we like.