Northern Ireland is ablaze again. It’s what Boris Johnson wanted and why he lied

Masks and molotov cocktails: Northern Ireland has gone back to this because of Boris Johnson’s Brexit. We can only conclude it’s what the UK prime minister wants.
Is Boris Johnson delighted that his lies have stirred up more Troubles in Northern Ireland.
This Writer reckons he must be.
Why else would he have promised to everybody who would listen that he would make sure they got what they wanted out of Brexit – and then reneged?
Here’s Peter Stefanovic to explain:
Boris Johnson sold his Brexit deal to the public & Parliament on the promise there would be NO CHECKS on goods between Great Britain & Northern Ireland
Why is UK media afraid to remind him of this? When will he be held to account?
— Peter Stefanovic (@PeterStefanovi2) April 5, 2021
Here’s Johnson himself, lying to a gang of Northern Ireland Tories:
Your occasional reminder that Boris Johnson that he’d never sign up to a border in the Irish Sea and that if people in NI are told to fill in customs forms, they should ring him and he’ll tell them to throw those forms in the bin.
— David Schneider (@davidschneider) April 6, 2021
And here’s the result:
Pictures from TODAY in Northern Ireland. Not 1971. Not 1981. Not 1991. But 2021. Where is the front page coverage in mainland UK of a peace project cracking at the seams? Because it seems the media have taken the view: what happens in Northern Ireland, stays in Northern Ireland.
— Dr. Jennifer Cassidy (@OxfordDiplomat) April 6, 2021
Note the comment about the UK’s Tory press ignoring this. In fairness, they might have been slow on the uptake but I found a piece on the BBC website easily enough. Under a bland image of the home of the Northern Ireland Assembly, Stormont, it reported:
The Northern Ireland Assembly is to be recalled early from its Easter break on Thursday to discuss the violence in some loyalist areas.
A petition tabled by the Alliance Party to bring MLAs back to the chamber has secured the 30 signatures required.
Forty-one police officers have been injured as a result of the violence in parts of greater Belfast and Londonderry, with ten arrests made to date.
Detectives are also investigating parades in Portadown and Markethill on Monday.
Politicians are united in calling for the violence to end, but are divided over why it has erupted.
NI’s first minister, Arlene Foster of the DUP, has flown a kite suggesting that poor policing of the funeral of Bobby Storey, which attracted 2,000 mourners who didn’t socially distance, has caused a collapse of confidence in the province’s Chief Constable, Simon Byrne.
She’s a supporter of Brexit, of course.
Here’s a tweet that answers her claims:
When Remainers said Brexit could lead to a return of The Troubles, Brexiters including the DUP called it "project fear". Well, here it is.
— Mike Holden 💙 (@MikeHolden42) April 5, 2021
Yes indeed. What Brexiters labelled “Project Fear” is now a reality of life in Northern Ireland. Again. And those of us who warned the rest can only point out the obvious:
For 5 years we’ve been saying Brexit is a threat to peace in Northern Ireland.
For 5 years that’s been dismissed as crazy remoaning and Project Fear.
And yet, grimly, inevitably, here we are.
— David Schneider (@davidschneider) April 5, 2021
Project fear has now morphed into project reality.
In ways we knew would happen but desperately didn't want them to.
— Tig James #FBPE (@tig_james) April 6, 2021
But somebody clearly did want them to – and he’s sitting in 10 Downing Street.
Boris Johnson knew what would happen – just as he knew what would happen when he refused to take the big decisions about Covid-19 that were needed between November 2019 and March 2020.
There can be no denial of the facts. He was told this would happen; he ignored the evidence; and now it is happening.
It won’t go away, because unlike those in mainland Britain, people in Northern Ireland are used to expressing their anger in highly visible, public, and violent ways.
And they won’t care about any laws Johnson might pass that ban demonstrations, parades, rallies and marches either!
For This Writer, it is extremely depressing. I’m old enough to remember the Troubles. I remember being ordered out of a shopping centre because of an IRA bomb in a shop there.
That device was discovered and defused, but I also remember seeing the results when bombs elsewhere were allowed to detonate.
I remember the deaths, the injuries, the recriminations and the resentments.
I know Boris Johnson remembers them too.
But he seems hell-bent on stirring them all up again. So can someone please remind us all why anybody thought it was a good idea to elect him? “But Corbyn” won’t cut it because Corbyn would never have done anything that could lead to this.
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It makes me embarrassed to be British. I didn’t vote for this. In truth I think like many when the brexit vote came about I had no real understanding of what the end deal would be. Yes I know we all got told after we should have “assumed it”. I just voted for the end of Cameron and austerity. The deal was unknown. I can’t know what they told me they didn’t know. I didn’t even know much on Boris and Farage I saw them as more left than right because that’s the image the media portrayed. They were fighting for the people to win over establishment. As soon as I started getting told Corbyn was working for the establishment I knew I had made the wrong choice but apparently it is against democracy to take back a vote even if people learn more and no longer want it. Brexit was never intended to work for the many they just used us to vote for something they lied to us about and when we learned the lie they made it too late. I’m sorry Ireland I never purposely voted against you but I accept that I did and hope that you can work with the British to overthrow the self servers in parliament because we hate them too.
Looks like the Unionist Mob is back in full swing…thank to Nigel Farradge lies..