Why are we paying hundreds of pounds to help Matt Hancock improve his social media profile?

Taking our cash: Matt Hancock claimed public money to boost his own social media profile.
Death ‘Health’ Secretary Matt Hancock has claimed nearly £1,000 of public money for software from a firm that claims to help boost social media profiles.
It seems he wanted to use the software from Sprout Social to improve his image on the internet (fat chance).
I don’t know about you, but I object to public money being used to “big up” these Tory maniacs. Hancock helped cause more than 150,000 unnecessary deaths (so far) in the Covid pandemic.
A spokesperson for Matt Hancock said: “Mr Hancock needs to communicate with his constituents as effectively as possible, including on social media. All expenditure is within the rules and transparently declared.”
Oh, really?
Then why have we not been told which social media accounts have actually benefited (if that’s the word) from this software?
Until we know that, we can only believe that Hancock is using the nation’s cash for his own personal profit. And, last time I checked, that definitely wasn’t “within the rules”.
Source: Matt Hancock claims hundreds on expenses for social media management platform | indy100
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God knows he needs all the help he can get not helped by a surname and incompetence to match. I am sure that expense would be rubber stamped as sorely needed and totally justified although why the tax payers should continue laying out for such a lack lustre minister who has not even got basic comms skills is beyond me.
Maybe this special software can explain the excess deaths caused by their incompetence and arrogance?
No, or is it to try and improve his image so he can try for the top job and of course, the country is paying for his ego boost as usual!!!
FFS just because the rules allow it doesen’t mean it should happen. But try and get Tory scum to understand is just impossible, so there continue to waste out money on there ego trips.
Did he buy it from Seb Fox/ Michael Green/ Grant (spiv) Shapps, I wonder?
More Tax Payers money going to an American company.