Tories vote down plan to register stalkers and domestic abusers – because of how it would affect them?

Priti Patel: she initially said she would support a register of stalkers and domestic abusers, but reneged on that promise when it came to a vote. Was it because it wouldn’t directly target immigrants?
Boris Johnson’s government is showing us in increasingly blatant ways that Tories only ever make law for their own profit.
David Cameron’s Greensill scandal came about because it seems he designed his law to register lobbyists specifically to ignore the lobbyists who would employ him in the future – to quote just one example.
So what are we to make of this?
The government is facing growing anger after voting against putting serial stalkers and domestic abusers on a national register, despite briefing they were likely to support the measures following the death of Sarah Everard.
Conservative MPs voted against amendments to the domestic abuse bill on Thursday that would have placed serial domestic abusers and stalkers on the current Violent and Sex Offender Register (Visor).
MPs also voted down House of Lords-supported amendments that would have given family court judges training on sexual abuse and provided greater protection to migrant victims of domestic violence.
Why would a Tory government reject a change in the law that would make people safer?
Is it because they don’t think it would affect them?
Or is it because they do? Think about it.
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Remember the “unnamed” MP who was accused of sexual assault and the media stopped talking about it around the time that all those Police records were deleted on Patel;s watch ?
It may be sheer co-incidence but when things like this happen, it really makes you wonder….
The fascist tory puppet MPs obeyed their master – little fascist dictator dick johnson because of this:
‘The decision to exclude migrant women from protections offered under the new bill was “deeply troubling”, said Pragna Patel of Southall Black Sisters, which is taking part in a government pilot project to support migrant women and address an “evidence gap” around the need for support. “Copious evidence already exists,” she said. “The pilot is no substitute to the need for meaningful, long-term measures of protection for some of the most vulnerable women in our society. We will not be celebrating the bill when it becomes law because it is not a bill for all women.”
The fascist women hating tories don’t want refugee and migrant women to be accorded their fundamental female human rights protected in law. Instead these vile women hating xenophobic and women hating fascist tory MPs believe certain women are non human so therefore male violence against these non-female humans is fine!
Make no mistake the fascist tories only care about keeping out those nasty ‘migrant and refugee women’ from their little england so-called paradise!
And these lies from the arrogant anonymous spokesperson who is I suspect a computer robot – claimed this: ‘The government agrees that high-harm domestic abuse perpetrators need to be effectively monitored and supervised, which is why serial and high-harm domestic abuse offenders are eligible for management under MAPPA. Adding a new category of offenders automatically eligible for MAPPA risks adding complexity to those arrangements without any gain.”
Baloney the wording is so obscure one would believe a robot created these sentences not a male human!
So remember peasants – only fascist tories have right to protection from the law and this means innumerable men continue to be accorded their male sex right to inflict systemic male violence on women and girls!