Starmer ROASTED by Twitter user who’s seen through his lies [STRONG LANGUAGE]

Keir Starmer: A suit, a haircut, and flag-waving fascism. Labour supporters – and the whole of the UK – deserve much, much better and we won’t get it from this gaslighting fake.
If Keir Starmer really thought he could deflect criticism by reshuffling his cabinet and removing any remaining socialists from control of the Labour Party, he was badly mistaken.
The following Twitter thread was written before the reshuffle but identifies the reasons Labour members and supporters are not going to accept Starmer’s leadership any more.
Already, CLPs (local party units) across the UK are preparing motions of “no confidence” in his leadership. Anticipating that the party’s unelected general secretary, David Evans, will undemocratically try to rule them “out of order”, they are being advised to frame them as motions of confidence, with wording like, “This party has 0.1 per cent confidence in Keir Starmer’s leadership” – and then vote against those motions to show that they don’t have any confidence in him at all.
“Roadside Mum”, below, provides many reasons party members have no confidence in the man who has been dubbed Labour’s worst ever leader, a betrayer of the values that brought the party into being and a deceiver who is trying to hoodwink voters into supporting the removal of their democratic rights.
These include:
- The campaign to punish Labour left-wingers.
- The campaign to silence criticism.
- The erosion of Labour’s share of the electorate.
- Starmer’s support for the loss of our right to protest.
- Starmer’s attempt to gaslight us into thinking Jeremy Corbyn is responsible for Labour’s loss of support.
- Starmer’s sustained support of Conservative policies and legislation.
- Starmer’s support of the so-called Spycops Bill in particular.
- Starmer’s adoption of fascist symbolism, in line with the Tories – flags, haircuts and suits preferred over socialist policies.
- Efforts by right-wing Labour Party officers and representatives – many of them unelected – to disenfranchise party members and deny them representation.
- And an attitude of entitlement that tries to tell us that we must accept Starmer sneering at us because he thinks he knows better.
There is even an addendum copying in a message, presumably from a Starmer supporter, actually proving the last point: “These elections are a lot more complicated than you think.” No, they’re not.
It’s a statement that insults the intelligence of “Roadside Mum” and every other Labour voter who expected – and deserved – better from Starmer, from his leadership team, and from every other party officer who enabled the betrayal that the party has endured for more than a year.
Labour won’t improve with the removal of left-wingers from positions of power and their replacement by anti-Semite-supporting fascists like Rachel Reeves, that’s for sure.
It can only get worse.
And the rot is seeping down from the top.
This is not simply about removing a bad leader.
It is about saving a political movement – and saving a nation from sliding into Boris Johnson-controlled fascism that Keir Starmer supports with all of his heart.
Here’s the thread. Read it for yourself.
I have been polite and I have been nice for a Really Long Fucking Time at this point (over a year). My patience just wore out.
At first I didn't have anything but defence for Keir Starmer because the initial Tory attacks were both bollocks and within my capacity to refute.
— Louisa Britain (@RoadsideMum) May 7, 2021
And it wore on and I felt like had given it a chance to be fair, and another one, and another one, and where was Keir? Where was the opposing?
Then the Free School Meals debate, which was probably the one important time KS and I aligned.
It was frustratingly fleeting.
— Louisa Britain (@RoadsideMum) May 7, 2021
All the time, we are told put up with it, shut up for the greater good, if you don't accept this, you keep in power the most ruinous bunch of far right serpents ever to darken the corridors of power.
And I did.
I shut up for over a year.
In hope, for the greater good.
— Louisa Britain (@RoadsideMum) May 7, 2021
Keir Starmer does not give a flying fuck that the protest rights which brought into being every important social change of the last 2 centuries are being dismantled. Soon you will have no voice at all. At 10PM the night before that vote, he still was whipping to abstain.
— Louisa Britain (@RoadsideMum) May 7, 2021
Labour increased the vote share under Corbyn by record amounts in 2017 and even in 2019, he retained a greater vote share than either two leaders before him. The loss of seats was not in any way reflective of the support of the public and the way KS team has endlessly hammered/
— Louisa Britain (@RoadsideMum) May 7, 2021
I have never seen any one party do so much to prop up their alleged competitors as Keir Starmer has done for the Tories.
This isn't an opposition. This isn't Labour. This isn't even democratic, everything that makes your democracy real, he's letting them take from you.
— Louisa Britain (@RoadsideMum) May 7, 2021
I've watched Labour Leaks lay bare the lengths to which half this party is invested in ensuring that the working class British voter, upon who's blood, sweat and tears, this movement was founded, fought for, built and defended, may not ever experience actual representation.
— Louisa Britain (@RoadsideMum) May 7, 2021
All this division, destruction, ripping up of rights people laid down their very lives to gain and to protect, for what?
Turn on the news! It's a disaster.
That's where the Labour Right, Political Elite, have got us, as they sneer downward upon we little people.
— Louisa Britain (@RoadsideMum) May 7, 2021
Ummuna was of course on the list of Labour MPs who, all of about 6 months after Corbyn won in a LANDSLIDE accross every membership demographic, decided to try to take him out of power.
It backfired. Members strengthened Corbyn's majority even harder. But/
— Louisa Britain (@RoadsideMum) May 7, 2021
And you know who else was in that coup too don't you.
Starmer, deep down, is no better.
Ultimately, he thinks he knows what you want more than you do. You only *think* you want not to be legally murdered by spycops and other agents of the state. Silly you.
— Louisa Britain (@RoadsideMum) May 7, 2021
I am done being nice. I voted for an arsehole today. An arsehole with 6000 Twitter likes from telling people like me, that we only believe in fairness because we are inferiors.
Inferiors like our forebears who literally built the services, that arsehole wants to control.
— Louisa Britain (@RoadsideMum) May 7, 2021
So fuck off @Keir_Starmer.
You are everything nobody needs
— Louisa Britain (@RoadsideMum) May 7, 2021
— Louisa Britain (@RoadsideMum) May 7, 2021
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Reeves is a vice-chair of Labour Friends of Israel
Shame on me for not noticing that.
Roadside Mum is right in every aspect. You required everyone who had a vote(and many didn’t)to do so. I did not. I will not vote for a party that is neither socialist nor democratic and that means a Starmer led Labour Party, who is nothing short of a snake oil salesman elitist. With his notions of entitlement and who thinks the likes of me should “know my place”….at the bottom of the pile of plebs whose faces he steps on whilst claiming to represent me and by association, all working class.He, like all megalomaniacs, is blaming everyone else for what he himself is guilty of and for as long as he leads the Labour Party, Labour will not get my vote!
Boris Johnson is a vacuous and vacillating clown totally out of his depth with regard running a country or it’s economy who won his appointment on his Brexit argument with no other strategies for addressing the problems this country faces and is himself unfit for office, but as Roadside Mum points out – is Starmer any better qualified? I say not in a million years.
I note that a commenter has stated Rachel Reeves to be president of the ‘Labour Friends of Israel’ But, remarkably, declares herself to be an admirer of Nancy Astor, an anti-Semite of such proportions that she supported what Hitler did to the Jewish people under his control. Reeves, it seems, has no loyalty to any of her own convictions..