Johnson’s biggest lie yet? Covid-19 deaths are MASSIVELY more than he has said

We know why he lies, too: his fake narrative makes it easier to gather support – especially from Blue Labour types like Keir Starmer who has backed him all the way, in every way that matters.
Deaths in the UK from Covid-19 were not 150,000 at the start of May, as reported by the government, but nearly 210,000.
That’s according to a new study by the University of Washington, reported by the British Medical Journal.
In the UK, the researchers estimated, the true covid death toll up to May 2021 was not 150 519 as officially reported, but 209 661.
Global deaths from covid-19 are not 3.27 million, as official figures suggest, but 6.93 million up to 3 May.
The virus is claiming about 33 000 lives a day around the world, more than twice reported figures.
Don’t try to tell me Boris Johnson doesn’t know.
What’s really shocking is that he and his despicable, corrupt Tory government that has used the Covid crisis as a chance to funnel billions of pounds to its party members and friends, are now riding high in the opinion polls.
… Because Labour members were fooled into electing a pale-blue cuckoo who backed his buddy Boris to the hilt.
The good news is that projected future deaths are very low – around 750 by September – due to high vaccine take-up.
It is the only good news to be had from this ever-expanding fiasco.
Source: Covid-19: Study claims real global deaths are twice official figures | The BMJ
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Do their figures include the deaths from the actual experimental injections which still remain hidden in their conservative, or should I say Globalist, ether. The PCR test has been found to be not fit for any purpose (even WHO admit this) so none of this data based on corrupt PCR false Covid stands up to any scrutiny apart from Globalist agenda on the part of the Conservatives having decided to go along with the Global Globalist Coup.
Can you – or anybody else – provide documentary evidence to support these claims? Otherwise you’re just repeating hearsay that somebody made up.