Investigation of Conservative Islamophobia is another blatant whitewash

Boris Johnson’s comments about the clothes worn by Muslim women are only part of the huge volume of Islamophobia and racial hatred he has tried to stir up on his own – but the EHRC was happy to let the Tories investigate accusations against their own party and now that report stands revealed to be a whitewash.
An independent (was it?) review into Islamophobia in the Conservative Party has said there is no “institutional” problem – to howls of outrage from the rest of us.
Even though it does report attitudes that make “uncomfortable” reading for Boris Johnson and other Tories, the report is as much a whitewash as the examination of “institutional racism” in the UK, a few weeks ago.
Just like there is no institutional racism in Britain there is no institutional Islamophobia in the Tory party. Who didn't see that coming?
— Bradley Wall 🏳️🌈 🇪🇺🇬🇧🌍 (@BWallArthur) May 25, 2021
The government has been resisting calls for that report to be discredited and scrapped ever since and the Conservative Party must now face the same calls over this.
Here’s the BBC, calmly presenting the Tories in as kind a light as possible (in other words, very dimly):
There is “clear evidence” the Conservatives’ complaints system is “in need of overhaul”, Professor Swaran Singh’s independent review into alleged Islamophobia and discrimination in the Conservative Party said.
It found anti-Muslim views were seen at local association and individual level.
But claims of “institutional racism” were not borne out by evidence of the way complaints were handled.
The report warned it “should make for uncomfortable reading for the party”.
But it also said it found “no evidence the party had… systematically failed any particular community”.
Oh, really?
Let’s go to some of our favourite people on Twitter for their analysis.
Here’s Ash Sarkar, who happens to be a Muslim who has suffered Islamophobia from Conservative Party members:
On the Conservative Islamophobia report: it's an absolute whitewash. Last year, a sitting Conservative councillor (tweeting under the name "CrusaderIan") tweeted expressing the sentiment that I deserve and invite racist abuse.
— Ash Sarkar (@AyoCaesar) May 25, 2021
This man is *still* a Conservative councillor. He's still a member of the party. And he's still tweeting under the name "CrusaderIan" – I wonder what kind of crusade he's referencing there…
— Ash Sarkar (@AyoCaesar) May 25, 2021
She was also able to provide an example of Islamophobia by a very senior Conservative, from very recent history:
Islamophobia isn't an institutional problem in the Conservative Party, report finds. Up next, an interview with Michael Fabricant!
— Ash Sarkar (@AyoCaesar) May 25, 2021
She was referring to this:
Johnson’s own comment about women wearing the burqa (or burka, spell it how you like) looking like “letterboxes” and “bank robbers” was criticised as “insensitive”. That’s a strange way to spell “racist”!
It seems he tried to excuse himself with the pathetically weak comment that he wouldn’t do it again, now that he is prime minister.
BREAK – Independent review into alleged Islamophobia and discrimination in the Conservative Party has said several interviewees considered Mr Johnson’s language “discriminatory and unacceptable”.
— Sima Kotecha (@sima_kotecha) May 25, 2021
How is that acceptable? He was saying that he still holds his racist, Islamophobic opinions, but he now intends to deceive the public that he doesn’t by choosing not to broadcast them!
Perhaps he feels he should not be picked out for special investigation because he isn’t the first Tory prime minister to be out-and-out racist filth. Theresa May’s “hostile environment”, that gave rise to her racist “go home” advertising vans and the Windrush scandal, springs to mind.
But apparently these historical examples of racism and Islamophobia are still not enough for the Singh review!
They were enough for Russ Jones:
What was it that tipped you off? The "Go Home" vans? The posters in mosques asking people to return where they came from? The PM writing "islamophobia seems natural" and "Islam is the problem", and comparing Muslims to bank robbers?
— Russ Jones (@RussInCheshire) May 25, 2021
Also on a party-wide basis:
The review of Tory islamophobia is pathetic. Describing Johnson comments about Muslim women as giving the impression of being “insensitive to Muslim Communities” is insulting. They are racist comments.
Call it out. The system is rigged.
— Howard Beckett (@BeckettUnite) May 25, 2021
Some have seen this as marking the right time for the Equalities and Human Rights Commission to resume its own investigation into Tory Islamophobia, that was called off after the Singh review was announced.
This was rightly criticised at the time because the EHRC point-blank refused to call off its inquiry into Labour anti-Semitism after that party announced an internal review.
So Peter Oborne’s suggestion rings hollow:
This is a massive moment for the Equalities and Human Rights Commission. Will it launch an inquiry into Tory Islamophobia on the back of this report, as it did into Labour anti-semitism?
— Peter Oborne (@OborneTweets) May 25, 2021
The most that is likely to come from it, even if the EHRC deigns to respond, is confirmation that it is biased towards the Conservatives.
And as far as Conservatives are concerned, we have this comment to put the whole situation in its proper context:
Divide and rule. It is the Tory mantra. They have spent more than a decade encouraging prejudice and racism across the UK.
And they’re not going to stop, now they know it’s working.
Source: PM’s burka comments gave impression of insensitivity – report – BBC News
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Church beliefs and rituals still dominate the European mentality, although it hides behind equality, and claims that it is liberal, secular or enlightened, and it is clear that the Europeans did not deal well with Islam or Muslims, and this is a regrettable thing, because they will lose half their energy, imagine Europe without immigrants, especially that Muslims make up the greatest proportion among them !!! .
Bla….Bla…BLA or Gaslight, lie and Deceive that’s all this so-called report does. The usual BS of no problems here!!!!
Despite a catalogue of vile behaviour, comments and lies from the Tory party. I really don’t know anyone who is convinced with this Jackanory report?
They just whitewash, gaslight and lie for their Tory paymasters. Anyone with a functional brain can see the sleaze and corruption, the lies and deceptions being played out on a daily stage that is the reality of Tory UK and racism.
Il give it my
Expect nothing less from this criminally incompetent, crooked and corrupt tory government. They are like a criminal cartel that are a law unto themselves. They belong in prison… Not in government stealing from and destroying Britain for personal gain!