Labour bid to gag website raises serious concerns about the party’s leaders

Badge of shame: if you filled a river with badges representing every Labour member expelled under false accusations of anti-Semitism, along with those representing every member who has quit in disgust at Keir Starmer’s dictatorial regime, how many miles would they stretch along it?
An attempt by the Labour Party to gag an investigative website suggests the party is undemocratic and unfit to govern.
It seems Labour’s infamous Governance and Legal unit was upset after The Electronic Intifada reported a decision by two party officials to block a debate on a motion calling for sanctions against Israel, due to the ongoing persecution of Palestinians by that nation’s government and military.
The claim was that it “would undermine the party’s ability to provide a safe and welcoming space” for Jewish members.
This attempt to protect Israel shows that the Labour Party machine is deeply anti-Semitic: it relies on a false equivalence between the decisions of the Israeli government and every Jew on Earth, regardless of their political views.
According to the definition of anti-Semitism that Labour has agreed to support, that is anti-Semitism: all Jews are not to be considered responsible for the behaviour of one group.
Worse still, Labour’s Governance and Legal unit tried to protect the party officials who tried to stop the debate – Hove & Portslade CLP chair Kim Bolton and Labour South East organiser Scott Horner – saying it was neither necessary nor in the public interest for them to be named.
It also claimed that the article had relied on private email exchanges and therefore breached data protection law.
But in fact the article had relied on minutes of a CLP meeting which The Electronic Intifada has now published in its own defence.
It is necessary to know who is spreading this poison in the Labour Party. There is no evidence to support fearmongering about anti-Semitism in the party as a result of a sanction against Israel and the claim that there are now concerns for the officials’ safety is extreme; it seems more likely that this was an attempt to protect them from any backlash within the party’s mechanisms against their inappropriate and undemocratic behaviour.
And this is the final – and most important point – to be made here: the Labour Party is now undemocratic. It does not allow the voice of the members to be heard and does not represent that voice. Instead, it supports the wishes of organisations outside the party.
This means Labour does not represent its own members.
And if it cannot represent its own members, then it should not be allowed to represent the UK as the party of government.
This episode shows that a Labour government – as led by Keir Starmer and following his orders – would not enact policies that are supported by a majority of the UK’s public.
It would act on its own agenda, dictated by groups that do not belong to the party, whose members probably don’t even vote for it.
And that is why nobody should support the Labour Party under Starmer’s leadership. Instead we need to be making lists of members and officials who need to be brought to book, once this vile and shameful era of the party’s history is brought to an end.
Source: Labour Party tries to intimidate The Electronic Intifada | The Electronic Intifada
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It’s been like this on the south coast for years. As soon as you put your head up, complain or try and get the change they find some excuse to kick you out. This cult of new Labour 2.0 is beyond a joke and I again repeat why whould any socialist still be in there.
You can’t or won’t achieve any great change back to a Left-wing organization the right won’t let them have their prize they will destroy it it’s all they know how to do. I am sorry the Labour party is dead see the light and move on!
FFS learn from this that there can be no big church the right takes and destroys only and should never be allowed into a socialist only party and that is the only way we will see socialists in government keep on fighting is what THEY want you stupid and paying for their lifestyle..
Labour central office is also forbidding certain constituency and branch groups from holding meetings even AGM’s and from operating Facebook pages to communicate with members. They are doing everything to stifle out any trace of democrat\tic socialism. The end point in a few years will be a virtually one party puppet dictatorship much like certain Eastern European countries.
The only reason that I’m still a member is so that I get a vote in the next leadership election.